New Novel Takes Inspiration from the 2020 American Election to Present a Satirized Version of Events

Author David Rowan addresses the darker side of politics and mass media in his latest release, ‘The Viral President’

HOUSTON, Jan. 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and a chaotic election year that brought political divide, author David Rowan brings a captivating fictionized approach to the table in his new book, “The Viral President.” A story that consists of satire, intrigue, conspiracy and a murder sub-plot, this gripping novel is addressing the ramifications of the media’s immense influence on the democratic process.


The story follows Ron Suit, a television talk show host, who decides to run for President of the United States. After his win against career politician, Stacey Lincoln, he begins to experience attacks from a cynical media and self-interested figures throughout the course of his presidency. Following Lincoln’s loss, global business magnate Milos Kunis does everything in his power to ensure that his choice will not fail again. With obvious parallels to modern day, Suit undergoes threats of impeachment, incessant criticism and a turbulent election season while navigating a global pandemic.


He runs against an aging establishment figure who is armed with shady tactics employed by his party and faces an uphill climb to a second term. Rowan hopes that this compelling story gets readers thinking about how easy today’s media, on both sides of the political arena, can manipulate viewers and the devasting division it creates.  


“Mr. Rowan hit a home run with this and the timing couldn’t have been any better,” said an Amazon reviewer. “[The book is] funny, poignant, [and] well-written.”


Readers will enjoy this entertaining spin of events that so heavily dominated the news cycle this past year. A narrative that shines a light on the devious world of U.S. politics, “The Viral President” is a fascinating read that captivates with its analysis of the American electoral system and modern-day journalism.


“The Viral President: A Pantomime”

By David Rowan

ISBN: 9781480898790 (softcover); 9781480898783 (hardcover); 9781480898806 (electronic)

Available at the Archway Publishing Online Bookstore, Amazon and Barnes & Noble


About the author

David Rowan is a retired oil and gas executive. Originally from the UK, he gained U.S. Citizenship immediately prior to the tragic events of 9/11. He is the author of the biography, “My Beautiful Memory”, that honors his daughter, Alex, who died tragically at age twenty-three. Following her death, David and his wife established a foundation that, in conjunction with the University of Houston, funds an annual creative writing festival and offers writing-related scholarships and internships. Dave and his wife live in Houston, Texas.

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