New book leads readers in the path of their divine unity consciousness

Sujata Gorai announces the release of ‘Raise Your Consciousness’

HONG KONG, March 17, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The twin flame journey of Sujata Gorai led her to see her true identity. She discovered her deep embedded soul’s qualities. She understood how her energy is leading her in the ladder of ascension in the conscious material and energetic world.


In “Raise Your Consciousness” (published by Partridge Singapore), she leads readers in the path of their divine unity consciousness. They will understand how their energy and frequencies are shaping their reality in the material world. The power of self-love is the core of humanity’s existence. They will learn how healing their chakras will help them to live a fulfilling and content life.


“We are all immortal souls and by societal conditioning people have forgotten their own infinite powers. People started to live limited life, which is against the universal law,” Gorai points out. “We live in a giant living consciousness where everything is infinite. God/Source has manifested us to live an infinite abundant life. Its high time people have to go within to see their infinite potential and unite their own masculine and feminine energies to observe divine union in all aspects of their life.”


When asked what she wants readers to take away from this book, Gorai answers, “Every soul is unique in their own way. We all are here to raise our consciousness and achieve unity within ourselves. Human ego made us believe that we are all separated but in reality, we are all in union with each other and with the giant consciousness. Everyone plays a vital role in the ascension process of the mother Gaia. Our own energy and frequencies associated with our soul, mind, body and heart are manifesting our outer material physical reality. By healing our chakras and self-love, we can blissfully live a harmonious and balanced life.” For more details about this book, please visit


“Raise Your Consciousness”

By Sujata Gorai

Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 178 pages | ISBN 9781543763492

Softcover | 6 x 9in | 178 pages | ISBN 9781543763485

E-Book | 178 pages | ISBN 9781543763478

Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble


About the Author

Sujata Gorai had her kundalini awakening in March 2020 and now possess empath, light worker, clairvoyant, claircognizant, clairsentient and many more physic abilities.  She hails from India and currently based in Hong Kong, works in the bank from last eight years. Her immense love for art and creativity navigating her into the path of humanity.       

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