Canadian Vaping Association: Vaping reduces a smoker’s exposure to harmful chemicals

Beamsville, ON, Aug. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Since the election call, over 1100 Canadians have died from smoking related disease an illness. The Canadian Vaping Association (CVA) is concerned that the proposed flavour restrictions will lead to increased smoking. In the Canada Gazette, Health Canada states that individuals who both smoke and vape, known as dual use, have not reduced their health risks caused by smoking. Within the regulation to limit nicotine concentrations Health Canada states, “It is also anticipated that certain dual users could relapse to smoking only as a result of the proposed Regulations. However, benefits of vaping by people who smoke are only accrued if they completely switch to vaping.”

Dual use being as or more harmful than smoking alone is a fallacy. Each time a vape is used instead of a cigarette, that individual reduces exposure to the 7,000 harmful chemicals found in a cigarette. Additionally, dual use is often an indicator that a smoker is trying to quit or substantially reduce their cigarette intake. The dual use fallacy defies common sense, as dual use is a spectrum ranging from mostly smokers to mostly vapers. An individual who primarily vapes and only occasionally smokes has greatly reduced exposure to toxic chemicals.

“The Canada Gazette makes several mentions of dual users returning to smoking. It is also acknowledged that vape companies that also sell cigarettes may be able to offset losses through tobacco sales. Instead of supporting an effective quit aid, the proposed regulation will lead to increased smoking. Canada must reconsider this policy if we intend to meet the current national smoking reduction targets,” said Darryl Tempest, Executive Director of the CVA.

While increased smoking among dual users is extensively acknowledged, the number of individuals that solely vape returning to smoking is greatly underestimated. According to a survey by ECigIntelligence, 19% of vapers in provinces without current flavour restrictions indicated they would return to smoking, and 53% indicated they would seek alternative means to source products if flavours were banned. The black-market will not be subject to any quality control and these products may pose a danger to Canadians.

The proposal to restrict flavours states that at this time it is unknown what the impact is to vapers if they had no access to their preferred flavour. No further regulatory consideration should occur until an impact analysis is produced. Vape products reduce tobacco use and are a benefit to public health. Canada has a history of supporting harm reduction - tobacco harm reduction should be no different.


About the Canadian Vaping Association: The Canadian Vaping Association (CVA) is a registered national, not-for-profit organization, established as the voice for the independent Canadian vaping industry. The CVA represents over 200 retail and online vaping businesses in Canada and has no funding or affiliation with tobacco companies or their affiliates. The CVA acts as a liaison with the federal and provincial governments on all legislative and regulatory issues related to the independent vape industry.


