Cobalt Puts New R4 Surf Boat On Display At Kansas Governor’s Mansion

A special dinner event for attendees of an IAMC meeting gave the Governor an opportunity to showcase items manufactured in Kansas

NEODESHA, Kan., Oct. 29, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Premium luxury manufacturer Cobalt Boats was pleased to send a new boat for display at a special event held at the Kansas Governor’s Mansion in early October, as the State of Kansas hosted a dinner for members of the Industrial Asset Management Council (IAMC). The IAMC is a trade association offering professional development, knowledge sharing and networking opportunities to site location consultants, real estate executives and other development partners in the industrial real estate industry.

The Cobalt boat, a new R4 Surf model, was placed on display on the lawn of the Governor’s Mansion along with other significant items manufactured in Kansas, ranging from mowers and farm implements to an automobile. Event attendees were able to view and examine the equipment and vehicles, which were presented in an impromptu ‘Kansas Manufacturing Lane’ format, to give visitors a better understanding of the range and caliber of manufacturing and industrial development that’s already taking place in the state.

“We were very pleased to have Cobalt included in the Governor’s showcase of ‘Made In Kansas’ products,” said Jason Turner, Cobalt’s VP of Operations and Engineering. “In addition to providing valuable exposure for our brand and boats, it was an honor to represent the State of Kansas and demonstrate how Cobalt’s work ethic, quality and success can be a model for manufacturers in a range of industries,” he noted.

About Cobalt: Headquartered in Neodesha, KS, Cobalt Boats LLC, is a publicly owned, industry-leading manufacturer of luxury family day boats. Combining uncompromising product quality with customer-inspired innovation and value, Cobalt, a division of Malibu Boats, has earned an international reputation for unmatched customer satisfaction through its World Class Dealer Network. Learn more at

