Georgia College changes name of business school to emphasize role of technology

Milledgeville, Georgia, May 26, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As technology changes, so does business education—and Georgia College’s J. Whitney Bunting College of Business is changing with it.

The school is becoming the J. Whitney College of Business and Technology.

The new name acknowledges the rapidly advancing role of technology in the business environment. In the future, nine out of 10 jobs will require digital skills, according to the World Economic Forum.

“I am excited to announce the renaming of our business college,” Georgia College President Cathy Cox said. “The J. Whitney Bunting College of Business and Technology more aptly describes our approach in fusing state-of-the art technology with the foundational business education it has always provided.”

“Technology drives so many changes we witness around us—in business, society and in our personal lives,” she said. “Georgia College understands the immense importance of these changes and is committed to offering a curriculum that completely embraces technology.”

Cox pointed to the university’s public liberal arts mission as a dynamic and career-focused approach to provide students with cutting-edge skills and adaptability.

“A liberal arts education equips students with the critical thinking necessary to navigate the complexities of life and become 21st-century leaders,” she said.

Other changes in the business college include:

  • A new name for Georgia College’s Accounting Department, now called the department of accounting and business law. The department already housed faculty who teach business law and ethics, a core requirement for a business degree. The new name reflects that.
  • The introduction of a new Bachelor of Science degree in data science. Employers say they want workers who can interpret and understand data, do quantitative analysis and use predictive modeling. 
  • A new Bachelor of Science degree in finance that provides an optional concentration in financial technology. This will include courses in financial management and programming, financial forecasting and payment processing.
  • The launching of a Center for Innovation in the fall. This initiative will provide students, faculty and community members with opportunities to collaborate and advance regional economic development.

“The labor market is always fluctuating. Advances in technology are accelerating at a speed that require our students to be competent in digital and quantitative methods but to also become critical thinkers who can adapt to evolving conditions and lead creatively,” said Dr. Costas Spirou, provost and vice president for Academic Affairs.

“These traits are essential for individual success,” he said, “but also for Georgia College to continue meeting workforce needs and address the state of labor shortages in Georgia.”

The college’s new name ensures that students will be provided with relevant skills in technology along with a strong foundation in business education.

“In today’s rapidly changing society, it is more important than ever to ensure that the liberal arts curriculum at Georgia College will continue to evolve in order to meet employer needs,” said Dr. Micheal Stratton, dean of the J. Whitney Bunting College of Business and Technology.

“Technology is embedded into the fabric of all our teaching and learning experiences,” he said. “These experiences will differentiate our students in the marketplace and help them stand out to employers.”


Atkinson Hall at Georia College Technology in class
