Abell Offers Tips for a Pest-Free Halloween

Toronto, Ontario, Oct. 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- TORONTO, ON October 17, 2022 – Halloween is just around the corner, and while it’s fun to see fake spiders, bats, and other eerie creatures adorn your home for the holiday, an actual pest invasion can be very frightening.

“Halloween is about all things that are spooky and creepy as long as they’re not the real deal,” said John Abell, President, Abell Pest Control. “If critters like bats, rats, and spiders invade your home you may have a real nightmare on your hands. We advise homeowners to take precautions against pests, which may look to take up residence during the cooler months and take advantage of the festivities.”

Abell offers the following tips for a pest-free Halloween and fall season:

Check your stored decorations for creepy crawlers that may have nested over the past year. Decorations are typically stored in basements and attics, a favourite hiding spot for pests.

  • Wait to carve your pumpkins. Pests like rodents and insects enjoy feasting on pumpkins, especially if carved and open to reveal the fruit inside.
  • Don’t forget to bring the cauldron of candy left outdoors for kids indoors when the night is over. Pests will smell the sweet scent and head straight for the bowl. Store any leftover candy in a tightly sealed container.
  • Don’t let scary creatures in unless they’re little ghosts and ghouls trick or treating. The opening and closing of doors is the perfect time for pests to sneak into your home.
  • Eliminate leaf piles around your home. Pests are always looking for a safe place to hide and breed.
  • Seal all cracks and crevices around the foundation of the home. Mice, often in search of warmth, can fit through holes ¼ inch or larger.
  • Inspect vents that lead to the exterior of your home, like dryer vents.  These are a favourite access point for rodents
  • Check for gaps under exterior doors and install door sweeps to close them. Spiders can fit through openings as thin as a piece of paper.
  • Trim branches or bushes that touch the home. These wooden pathways can provide direct pest highways right into the house.

Abell Pest Control is a leader in pest control and hygiene, offering businesses and homeowners effective, safe, and dependable services since 1924. To learn more about Abell visit: www.abellpestcontrol.com

