Greater risk impact on businesses predicted as once-in-century climate events now happen yearly

BOSTON, Nov. 15, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- HX Global, the US division of Healix International, a global leader in medical, security, and travel assistance services, has released its annual Risk Outlook report for 2023. The report reveals that natural disasters that were previously referred to as “once in a century” events are now occurring yearly as a result of climate change and its global impact.

This shift will pose a major threat to businesses in the coming year. Extreme weather conditions and climate-related disasters can cause wide disruption, both operationally and in terms of protecting personnel. Healix International’s annual report outlines and analyzes the key risks and challenges likely to arise in the upcoming year. The 2023 Risk Report shows that modern storm systems, intensified by climate change, will continue to have catastrophic consequences for personnel and organizations across the globe. As these natural disasters increase in frequency and intensity, Healix is calling on businesses to carry out urgent climate risk assessments to gauge their degree of exposure, as well as implement suitable mitigation and safety procedures.

Chris Job, Director of Risk Management Services at Healix International, comments:
“Most businesses understand that climate change is a pressing global issue, but it’s vital to consider the material implications that a natural disaster would have on the day-to-day operation and security of their company. Not only will it drastically impact a company’s ability to do business, but it will also put their employees at risk, both at home and abroad. With “once in a century” natural disasters now becoming a yearly occurrence, putting a mitigation strategy in place is vital. 

By implementing the necessary measures and introducing enhanced safety procedures, companies will be better positioned to protect people, assets, and operations in the event they are caught up in a natural disaster. As with most things, taking steps to protect against these risks now will deliver a far better outcome than trying to react and solve them at the time.”

About HX Global
HX Global, the U.S. division of Healix International, has been providing assistance and travel risk consultancy solutions to some of the world’s most well-known corporations, governments and NGOs for over two decades. HX Global’s fully integrated team has the skill and experience to address the myriad risks facing today’s travellers. Its combined medical, travel and risk management expertise places HX Global in the unique position to deliver comprehensive, cost-effective solutions without compromising high-quality support for the end-user. To learn more, please visit

