NYFA Students & Alums Accepted Into Prestigious Academy GOLD Rising Program

Each of the Six Categories of the Elite GOLD Rising Program To Include a Student or Alum from the Top Film, Media, and Performing Arts College

New York, NY, July 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- This year, an impressive nine New York Film Academy (NYFA) students and alums were accepted into the prestigious Academy GOLD Production Track for the Summer of 2023. The Academy GOLD Rising Program is a talent development, diversity, and inclusion initiative created by The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS)--the same organization that hosts the Oscars. The GOLD Rising program is available to students with interests in cinematography, costume design, film editing, production design, sound, and visual effects. 

Each year, hundreds of students compete to place within a limited number of available slots. This year, NYFA will be represented in all six categories. Last year, the GOLD Rising program included NYFA students and alums in all categories but sound. The NYFA students and alums selected for this year, 2023, include: 

  • Martin Lalanne (Sound)
  • Richard Townsley (Editing)
  • Kaihan Huang (Editing) 
  • Shoaib Shawl (Production Design) 
  • Sarah Maue (Costume Design)
  • Alejandra Rubiera (Cinematography) 
  • Niccolo Azzuro (Cinematography) 
  • Srivathsan Selvarajan (Cinematography)
  • Yuri Loveyko (VFX)

“We are proud to have so many students and alums whose hard work was recognized in this year’s Production Track program. This is an incredibly competitive program, and their acceptance is a testament to their talent and the preparation they receive at NYFA,” says Barbara Weintraub, Senior Director of Career Development and Industry Outreach at NYFA. 

Participants will be given the chance to experience a film shoot on a professional sound stage and shadow an active production set with industry professionals. After participants complete the program, they will be assigned a mentor to guide their professional career paths. The particpants are considered Academy GOLD alums for life, which comes with exciting benefits such as the chance to attend the Academy Awards and network with professionals who have won or been nominated for the Academy Awards. 

The Academy GOLD Rising program was developed to induct and nurture the next generation of artists. The program strives to include creatives across diverse backgrounds and grant them access to resources to support their careers in filmmaking. The program includes professional and creative development opportunities for film-related career pursuits. The Academy GOLD Rising program is parent to the following programs: GOLD Rising, GOLD Fellowship for Women, the Student Academy Awards, and the Academy Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting. 

The Academy has led the advancement of film as art since its inception in 1927, comprising seventeen branches and over nine thousand members, and has supported some of the world’s greatest filmmakers.

Director of Marvel’s feature film Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, Destin Daniel Cretton, is an alum of The Academy GOLD program. You can watch his conversation with NYFA in a Q&A-List Series online event about his life after winning the Academy’s Nicholls Fellowship Award. NYFA’s own 1-Year Certificate program alum Rodrigo Gómez Dávila, a professional editor at Netflix with professional crew and assistant editor credits including Heaven Can’t Wait and Muted, is an Academy GOLD Rising member and Fulbright scholar. 

Be sure to read about the students selected for last year’s 2022 Academy GOLD Rising program.  

NYFA congratulates the chosen students and alums for their incredible accomplishment in being accepted to The Academy’s GOLD Rising program!

About NYFA

New York Film Academy (NYFA) is a leading film, media, and performing arts college that offers intensive undergraduate and graduate degree programs, certificates, and workshops across a multitude of areas of study in New York City, Los Angeles, Miami, Gold Coast (Australia), Florence (Italy), Beijing (China), and more. NYFA also offers online programs to provide unparalleled "Hands-Online" education experiences that allow aspiring storytellers across the world to access valuable industry knowledge from anywhere. 

For more information, please visit nyfa.edu.


NYFA Students & Alums Accepted Into Prestigious Academy GOLD Rising Program NYFA Students & Alums Accepted Into Prestigious Academy GOLD Rising Program
