Vietnam Corporate Training Market Gears Up for $7.6 Billion by 2028: Bridging the Skills Gap in a Booming Economy: Ken Research

Vietnam booming economy fuels $7.6 billion corporate training market by 2028. Skills gap widens as businesses struggle to find qualified talent. Soft skills training leads, but digital skills surge as technology transforms industries. Blended learning thrives, with EdTech making training accessible and engaging. Microlearning caters to busy schedules, while personalized learning and data-driven optimization enhance effectiveness.

Gurugram, India, May 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Buckle up, Vietnam's businesses! The need to equip your workforce with the latest skills is reaching new heights. The corporate training market in Vietnam is projected to reach a staggering $7.6 billion by 2028, fueled by a rapidly growing economy and a widening skills gap. This press release, based on the insightful report by Ken Research titled "Vietnam Corporate Training Market Outlook to 2028 - Driven by Economic Growth, Technological Advancements, and Focus on Skill Development," explores the key trends propelling this market and offers valuable insights for training providers, businesses, and policymakers. 

A Skills Imperative: Factors Driving the Corporate Training Boom 

Several key drivers are creating a perfect storm for Vietnam's corporate training market: 

  • Economic Boom Creates Skills Shortage: Vietnam's economic growth has been nothing short of phenomenal. However, this rapid expansion has exposed a significant skills gap. Businesses are struggling to find qualified professionals to keep pace with industry demands, making corporate training a critical investment for attracting and retaining top talent. 
  • Digital Transformation Demands New Skillsets: The digitalization of businesses across sectors is disrupting traditional ways of working. Employees need to adapt to new technologies like data analytics and cloud computing to remain productive and competitive. This necessitates a surge in training programs focused on digital skills. 
  • Government Prioritizes Upskilling: The Vietnamese government recognizes the importance of a skilled workforce for sustainable economic development. Initiatives such as the National Strategy for Vocational Training to 2025 emphasize upskilling and reskilling programs, driving collaboration between government agencies and training providers. 

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Market Segmentation: Tailored Training Solutions for Diverse Needs 

The Vietnam corporate training market caters to a wide range of needs. Here's a closer look at the segmentation within this dynamic market: 

  • Soft Skills Lead the Way: Although technical skills are essential, soft skills like communication, leadership, and critical thinking are crucial for effective teamwork and problem-solving in modern workplaces. Training programs focusing on these areas are expected to remain the dominant segment, accounting for a significant portion of the market share. 
  • Shift Towards Blended Learning: Traditional instructor-led training remains prevalent, but blended learning approaches are gaining traction. These combine classroom sessions with e-learning modules, offering flexibility, adaptability, and cost-effectiveness for businesses and learners. 
  • Manufacturing and Services Drive Demand: The manufacturing and services sectors, experiencing rapid growth and transformation, are expected to be the primary drivers of demand for corporate training programs. These sectors require employees to continuously learn and develop new skillsets to stay ahead of the curve. 

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Competitive Landscape: Navigating a Thriving Market 

The Vietnam corporate training market features a dynamic mix of players vying to equip the Vietnamese workforce: 

  • Localization is Key: International training providers are increasingly recognizing the need to localize their content and delivery methods to cater to the specific needs of the Vietnamese workforce and business environment. Cultural nuances and industry-specific requirements necessitate a localized approach. 
  • Strategic Partnerships Fuel Growth: Collaboration between domestic training providers and international companies can leverage expertise in curriculum development, technology integration, and global best practices. This allows domestic players to enhance their offerings and international companies to adapt to the Vietnamese market. 
  • The Rise of EdTech: Educational technology (EdTech) is playing a transformative role. E-learning platforms, mobile learning apps, and virtual reality simulations are making learning more accessible, engaging, and efficient. This allows for a more dynamic and personalized learning experience. 

Shifting Gears for the Future 

The Vietnam corporate training market is poised for exciting advancements: 

  • Microlearning Takes Center Stage: Bite-sized, focused learning modules allow employees to learn at their own pace and convenience. This aligns well with the busy schedules of today's workforce and ensures continuous skill development. 
  • Focus on Personalized Learning: Personalized learning approaches that take individual learning styles and career goals into account are becoming increasingly popular. This caters to individual needs and ensures a more impactful learning experience for each employee. 
  • Data-Driven Training Optimization: Data analytics can be harnessed to track the effectiveness of training programs and identify areas for improvement. This data-driven approach ensures that training programs remain relevant, effective, and meet the evolving needs of the workforce. 

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Download the full report to gain a comprehensive analysis of the Vietnam Corporate Training Market and its exciting future. This report equips you with the knowledge needed to navigate this dynamic landscape and position yourself for success in Vietnam's flourishing business environment.


By Organization Size 

  • Small & Medium 
  • Large 

By Industry 

  • Manufacturing 
  • Financial Services 
  • Information Technology 
  • FMCG 
  • Retail 
  • Healthcare 
  • Pharmaceutical 
  • Public Enterprises 
  • Professional Services 
  • Others

By Region 

  • Southern 
  • Northern 
  • Central 

By City 

  • Ho Chi Min 
  • Hanoi 
  • Danang

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Vietnam Corporate Training Market

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The demand is expected to grow with a CAGR of 6.9% during the period 2019-2025. The demand is expected to be driven by a growing interconnected society due to the advent of AI, Blockchain, IoT, 3D Printing, and others. E-learning is gradually taking over because of low priced modules and flexibility in learning. The shift to remote workstyle and growing government support will further boost the demand in the industry.

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