Athletic Gummies
OFFFIELD launches Athletic Gummies: Co-created with over 200 athletes, the formula combines the science of the “Runner’s High” with endurance innovation
12 mai 2022 13h11 HE | OFFFIELD
LOS ANGELES, May 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, Athletic Cannabis company OFFFIELD announces a new innovation and category expansion, Athletic Gummies. Designed and formulated to provide a...
OFFFIELD Launch Combines Cannabis and Exercise for Optimal Mental and Physical Wellbeing
12 nov. 2020 11h11 HE | OFFFIELD
Los Angeles, CA, Nov. 12, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In response to the overwhelming need for preventative mental and physical wellness, Tony Fur and Todd Hunter (previously Chief Creative Officers at...