25 franco pomilio
Revolutionising Academic Credentials: The "Curriculum on Chain" Project by Pomilio Blumm
18 déc. 2023 05h34 HE | BLUMM KNOWHOW S.R.L
Pomilio Blumm has unveiled a groundbreaking initiative that promises to reshape the landscape of academic validation and record-keeping. The "Curriculum on Chain" project introduces a cutting-edge...
Luiss University enters the Web3 and launches the "Curriculum On Chain"
06 oct. 2023 12h29 HE | BLUMM KNOWHOW S.R.L
An innovative certification that guarantees the security and traceability of university degrees and achievements. Luiss is at the forefront among Italian and European universities in technological...
Die Luiss-Universität veranstaltete eine internationale Konferenz zur Bewertung der ESG-Bewegung und ihrer Auswirkungen auf das Geschäft.
05 juil. 2023 04h59 HE | BLUMM KNOWHOW S.R.L
Die Luiss-Universität war Gastgeber einer internationalen Konferenz zum Thema "Bewertung der ESG-Bewegung: Ethische Überlegungen zu ESG und ihren Auswirkungen auf die Wirtschaft". Die Konferenz wurde...
La Universidad Luiss acogió la Conferencia Internacional sobre la Evaluación del Movimiento ESG y su Impacto en los Negocios.
05 juil. 2023 04h59 HE | BLUMM KNOWHOW S.R.L
La Universidad Luiss acogió una conferencia internacional sobre "La evaluación del movimiento ESG: Reflexiones éticas sobre ESG y su impacto en los negocios", organizada por la Universidad de Roma, la...
L'université Luiss a accueilli une conférence internationale sur l'évaluation du mouvement ESG et son impact sur les affaires.
05 juil. 2023 04h59 HE | BLUMM KNOWHOW S.R.L
L'université Luiss a récemment accueilli une conférence internationale intitulée "Assessing the ESG movement : Réflexions éthiques sur l'ESG et son impact sur les affaires", organisée par l'Université...
Valutare il movimento ESG. Riflessioni etiche sull'ESG e il suo impatto sul business in un confronto internazionale alla Luiss
05 juil. 2023 04h59 HE | BLUMM KNOWHOW S.R.L
Si è svolta a Roma, nel campus Luiss di viale Romania, la conferenza “Assessing the ESG movement. Ethical reflections on ESG and its impact on Business”. L’evento nasce dalla fruttuosa cooperazione...
Luiss University hosted International Conference on Assessing the ESG Movement and its Impact on Business
05 juil. 2023 04h59 HE | BLUMM KNOWHOW S.R.L
Luiss University hosted an international conference on "Assessing the ESG movement: Ethical reflections on ESG and its impact on Business," organized by Rome's University, the Wharton University of...
luiss university global fellowship
Luiss Global Fellowship, recognition of excellence
30 juin 2023 11h27 HE | BLUMM KNOWHOW S.R.L
Massimo Ciociola, Founder and CEO of Musixmatch, Alberto Dalmasso, Founder and CEO of Satispay, Ibrahim al-Koni, Libyan writer, and Jhumpa Lahiri, Pulitzer Prize winner for fiction, have been awarded...
Francesco Lippi - Professor Luiss university
ECB Forum on Central Banking 2023, Lippi (Luiss University) focused on "Inflation and misallocation in New Keynesian models"
29 juin 2023 08h35 HE | BLUMM KNOWHOW S.R.L
Governors of central banks, leading academics, economics and finance experts, journalists from across Europe gathered in Sintra, Portugal, to participate in the eighth edition of the European Central...