Financial Statement 1999

· Group operating profit before goodwill amortisation was SEK 20.3 m. This figure includes capital gains from the disposal of subsidiaries totalling SEK 16.0 m.
· The Consultancy operations generated sales of SEK 201.6 m-a 60.5% increase on 1998. Profit before goodwill amortisation emerged at SEK 27.8 m,(SEK 6.9 m) up 402 %. The profit margin was 13.8%.
· Concentration and acquisitions in 1999 marked Information Highway's first steps towards a position as Europe's leading Internet consultant.
· Growth was more pronounced than expected; headcount exceeded the previous target of 400, reaching 542 by year-end (including acquisitions), an increase of around 100% since 30 September 1999.
· Continued acquisitions and organic growth during 2000 create the right conditions for achieving the growth targets of a presence on eight markets plus a minimum of 1,000 employees by year-end.
· A strong quarter for the Consultancy operations. Including new acquisitions, sales amounted to SEK 71.4 m. Operating profit before goodwill amortisation was SEK 7.1 m.
· Group operating profit before goodwill amortisation for the fourth quarter amounted to SEK -6.3 m; in the same period, sales were SEK 73.7 m.
· Companies acquired in 1999 have been consolidated as follows:

Interaction Design AS, 1 August 1999
Veritema, 1 October 1999
Netmill, 1 January 2000
BMR, 3 January 2000
ELK, 11 January 2000
Pyramid, 2 January 2000

The full interim report inckluding tables is available to download from the enclosed link