Changes in the composition of the Board of Directors of Orion Corporation as of 1 January 2002

At its meeting held today, the Supervisory Board of Orion Corporation decided to elect Mrs. Eeva Kölli-Jäntti, M.Sc. (Pharm.), and Professor Heikki Vapaatalo as new members of the Board of Directors. Mr. Erkki Etola was elected Deputy Chairman of the Board. Mr. Aatto Prihti and Mr. Eero Karvonen will resign from the Board.
Mrs. Kölli-Jäntti and Mr. Vapaatalo will resign from the Supervisory Board due to their membership in the Board of Directors.

The composition of the Board of Directors as of 1 January 2002 will be as follows:

Chairman: Juhani Leikola, MD, Professor
Deputy Chairman: Erkki Etola, M.Sc. (Eng.), Chairman of the Etola Companies
Other members:
Petteri Karttunen, M.Sc. (Econ.), Managing Director of Gyllenberg Asset Management Oy
Eeva Kölli-Jäntti, M.Sc. (Pharm.), Pharmacist, Pukinmäen Apteekki
Tuomo Lähdesmäki, M.Sc. (Eng.), MBA
Heikki Vapaatalo, MD, Professor.

The Supervisory Board also advised the Board of Directors to examine the possibility to discontinue the Supervisory Board. This arrangement would require a proposal to the Shareholders' Meeting to delete the stipulations regarding the Supervisory Board from the Bylaws of Orion Corporation.

Contact persons:
Heikki Hakala, Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Juhani Leikola, Chairman of the Board

Requests for interviews will be forwarded to the contact persons by Anne Allo, Corporate VP, Communications, phone +358 10 429 3735 (desk), or +358 50 429 3735 (mobile).