ForTelSoft Launches New Child Monitoring Software

HOLLISTER, Calif., May 7, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- Parents, having trouble monitoring what Internet sites your children are visiting? ForTelSoft has just unveiled a new software product that will allow parents to control how much Internet and computer time their families should have.

That includes parents like Heidi Parker, "I am not a controlling parent. My oldest son (18) started staying up until one or two in the morning on school nights, now I don't have to worry about it, I know TeenagerGoodnight(tm) will shutdown the Internet and computer for me."

Parents can schedule separate Internet and computer shutdown times for days of the week to specific hours during the day. TeenagerGoodnight(tm) has a double password system that makes it virtually impossible for a child or teenager to delete the software without the parent's password. If a family member tries to delete TeenagerGoodnight(tm) without the parent's password, it will simply and safely shut the computer down.

"TeenagerGoodnight(tm) is a great product because parents don't have to worry that their children are on the computer when they go to sleep. Plus, parents can monitor their children's Internet and computer time," said Michael Montoya, Sales and Marketing Manager ForTelSoft.

Parents are so thrilled about TeenagerGoodnight(tm) because parents now know when their children are going to be on the Internet or computer and they can monitor what sites their children are visiting.

TeenagerGoodnight(tm) features:

 -- Advanced shutdown warning: Lets users know that the Internet or
    computer will be shutting down (times 1 min.-60 min.) 

 -- Check password on startup: A special feature that (if enabled)
    requires parent password to complete Windows startup

 -- Password: Upon misplacing password, a new password can be issued
    by ForTelSoft 

The suggested retail price for TeenagerGoodnight(tm) is $29.95. If you have any questions please contact ForTelSoft at 1-888-854-2817 or go to our Web site


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