Volvo: Report on First Nine Months 2002 -- Short Version

GOTEBORG, Sweden, Oct. 24, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- Volvo (Nasdaq:VOLVY):

Nine month report

Leif Johansson, CEO said, "Despite the difficult business climate, the Group's third -- and usually weakest quarter -- contained a number of positive trends. Most important is the increased contribution from the truck operations, where we now see clear effects of synergies. In Western Europe, the demand for the new Volvo and Renault models continued to be strong. Both brands gained market shares and showed improved profitability. We have also noted underlying improvements in North America, even though the sales increase primarily was a result of the peak linked to the implementation of the new emission standard. On the negative side, the deep downturn in the aviation industry seriously affected our aerospace operations in the third quarter, which is reflected in the on-going adjustments of capacity."

First nine months                                    2002       2001
Net sales, SEK M                                   131,203    131,982
Operating income excluding restructuring             2,014      2,413
costs, SEK M
Operating income, SEK M                              2,014      (312)
Income after financial items, SEK M                  1,276    (1,319)
Net income, SEK M                                      755      (980)
Sales growth, %                                        (1)         51
Income per share during most recent 12                0.60      0.70
months period, SEK
Return on shareholders' equity, %                      0.3        2.4

Operating income                    Third quarter  First nine months
SEK M                              2002     2001    2002      2001
Trucks                              673    (340)     682       449
Buses                              (84)    (185)   (127)     (293)
Construction Equipment              120      266     453       755
Volvo Penta                         117      141     488       530
Volvo Aero                         (72)      118      46       564
Financial Services                  126       69     361       245
Other                              (63)    (281)     111       163
Operating income*                   817    (212)   2 014     2 413
Restructuring costs                   -  (1 406)       -   (2 725)
Operating income                    817  (1 618)   2 014     (312)
*excl restructuring costs
Q3 R&D Capitalization: Total 289, Trucks 184, Buses 20,
Construction Equipment 36, Volvo Penta 16, Volvo Aero 33
Q3 Pension Foundation deficit: Total 302, Trucks 99, Buses 14,
Construction Equipment 45, Volvo Penta 18, Volvo Aero 41,
Financial Services 1, Other 84

For more information, please see the full report, which is available on AB Volvo, October 24, 2002

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The full text report with all financial tables can be found at the folowing links:

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