Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe -- New Book Unlocks the Key to the Cosmos and Other Mysteries

NORMAN, Okla., Nov. 25, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- Ever wondered how the world came into existence? If the Big Bang Theory taught in school or Darwin's Theory of Evolution does not satisfies your curiosity, then "The Key to the Cosmos: A Theory of Everything Including Religion" (now available from 1stBooks Library) by Ruth Sturgis Stuart will quench the reader's thirst for information on how it all began and why.

Stuart is proud of "The Key to the Cosmos" for its capability to combine science with religion -- two opposing forces that for centuries have boggled the mind on whether nature or faith is responsible for our world. "The Key to the Cosmos" tackles the universal forces of infinity and aptly connects them with the concepts of religion, the human spirit and dimensions of the universe. Science's entanglement with religion will always be a sensitive association, although Stuart manages to narrow it down to simple matters in "The Key to the Cosmos."

Engaging and offering a new twist on centuries-old beliefs, "The Key to the Cosmos" dishes out a never-before explored topic that will make readers and specialists take a second look. Stuart manages to elucidate the concepts of cosmology through the use of examples comprehensible to the layman. A mind-blowing reading experience, "The Key to the Cosmos" successfully unlocks a portal through which only a few scholars and authors have dared to tread.

Even at a young age, Ruth Sturgis Stuart was often caught with the words "why" in her everyday conversation. Finding meaning in science and religion has been her main task ever since, and she took it upon herself to research the complex topics of the universe, realizing that no one had the real answers to the origin of the world. She began college in 1929, and in 1960 that she created a breakthrough in her theory -- The Key To The Cosmos -- which she gladly shares in the publication of "The Key to the Cosmos."


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