A Spiritual Guide for Creating a Personal Relationship with God -- New book offers practical exercises to restore or create our connections to God

QUEENS, N. Y., June 2, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- According to author Seymour Rettek, M.D., the ongoing dehumanization of the individual in the more technologically advanced nations of the world has resulted in a pervasive lack of spiritual fulfillment. In his new book, Bring God Into Your Life (now available through 1stBooks), he offers ways of healing the damage brought about by this lacking.

Noting that people have become more and more alienated from both God and each other, he points to the detrimental effects this pervasive alienation has on the body and the psyche. Drawing on his experience as family practitioner, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, he discusses his treatment of choice, spiritual healing. Noting that spiritual healing has long been recognized to be of benefit in the East, he argues that as Western thinking developed, spiritual mindedness increasingly gave way to reason and logic as an accepted way of thinking. Western medicine has recently come to recognize spirituality as an effective therapeutic modality.

The latter part of the book offers rare, detailed instructional exercises meant to give the reader skills needed to restore or create connections to God and to others. The exercises are easy to follow and arranged sequentially so that readers may find the degree of spiritual fulfillment most suited for them, including creating a personal relationship with God. Dr. Rettek has incorporated various therapeutic techniques including insight, visualization, education and identification of feelings and has added scriptural readings, poetry and a view of the world as illuminated by God.

Bring God Into Your Life is intended mainly, but not exclusively, for those who have long searched for the spiritual fulfillment that comes of knowing God. For the author, spiritual fulfillment means being connected to God, being aware of God's presence and bringing God into one's everyday decisions. In short, it means living a life centered on God.

A prolific writer, he has written fictional biographies, a collection of short stories, both a screenplay and a two-act play and several religious books, including The Kingdom of Heaven Through the Ages and Selected Religious Writings, which includes poetry and essays. The author was also a U.S. Air Force specialist in aerospace medicine. When he retired as Colonel, Commander of a medical service squadron, he was the oldest crewmember on flying status with prior World War II service. He currently lives in New York with his wife Susan, a jewelry designer.


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