A Guru, A Biochip and Immeasurable Faith -- New Novel Tells of Group's Independent Fight During the Great Tribulation

AYRSHIRE, Scotland, Sept. 30, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- When the playing of the National Anthem at a baseball game is replaced with a guru's chant, it's enough to cause Sam Elliott to yell with anger. A Vietnam War veteran and former U.S. Marine, he is deeply patriotic and is one who is not seduced by "the Guru," a figure that's emerged and taken the hearts of many with his charms and words of wisdom. Others believe the guru is the Antichrist. In Tribulation: These Are the Times (now available through 1stBooks), author Gloria I. Monaghan paints an eerie picture of the "end times."

Sam, along with others such as Charley Jackson, a moonshine maker who seems to have a personal hotline to God, and Gene Washington, an intellectual police chief who relies on scientific findings for basing his decisions, become fighters of not only the Guru, but also a shadow government attempting to implant information chips into every person. Sam and his group, despite differences in faith and beliefs, band together. The chip, hailed to be the height of convenience for credit cards, criminal records and driver's licenses, is dominating the globe.

That phenomena, coupled with strange natural occurrences such as volcanoes, threatening comets, dark midday suns and blood red moons all tell the world is on the brink of the "Great Tribulation." After meeting a newcomer in one of their hideouts, the group trudges on to find not an ending, but a beginning.

Miss Gloria Monaghan left school at age 14 to work in an explosives factory. She later studied at night school to go on to higher education. She now lives on Scotland's west coast, but frequently visits the United States on business or vacation. This is her first book, although she has published articles on Scottish and Irish history. She enjoys raising cats, writing and reading. She is a member of various Church of Scotland prayer groups and is also active within her local Catholic church.


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