Does Time Exist? A New Approach to How the Universe Works; New book offers new ideas about time, space, motion based on scientific findings

PALO ALTO, Calif., Oct. 2, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- In an unprecedented new approach to physics, author and scientist Henri Salles' new book, Does Time Exist?: An Energetic Implementation of Motion (now available through 1stBooks), offers a new look at commonly held ideas in physics. He gives an explanation of the universe that's based in logic and scientific principles.

The fundamental premise of his theories is that the universe is a coherent entity. Conventional physics (relativity and Quantum physics) has not been able to prove the unified theory and admits so, Salles writes.

This book does look at the universe as a coherent entity, necessitating a new principle of motion. Salles writes that space is, in reality, energy. The book explains motion is "implemented" without time through "energy."

The traditional forces are no longer needed. Concepts such as vacuum, quantum vacuum, gravity and negative gravity are explained by the simple ideas that space is an extended embodiment of energy, referred to as "orientation of space, OS" in the book. Gravity steps into space's former role. Magnetism's interpretation compels the universe to spin on itself. Salles also presents the description of "gravimotion," a unification of mass and motion supported by Albert Einstein's famous formula.

A book that everyone from physicists to students will be able to enjoy and understand, Salles' work offers a simple and consistent interpretation of the universe that concurs with the findings of all experiences and of natural phenomena. This profound work will give scientists and physics enthusiasts fresh perspectives and provide fascinating reading on the most basic functions of nature and the universe.

Salles received a degree in mechanical engineering in Paris. In the mid-1960s he moved to Northern California with his family, to the area now known as Silicon Valley. A pioneer in microcircuit engineering, he earned a patent in that field. After several years he started his own business and sold the all-encompassing business software program he designed to other companies. He later trademarked software he developed as DataCascade. Now retired, the author devotes his time to engaging in new approaches to thinking about science.


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