An Inspirational Shot in the Arm - New book packed with stories about accomplishments, lives of great leaders

GRANT CITY, Mo., Oct. 2, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- The humdrum of everyday life can become a burden on the soul and hinder one's enthusiasm for improvement. Sometimes all it takes to restore drive and motivation is an inspiring story. In his new book, To Inspire Greatness (now available through 1stBooks), author Ezry Mason has compiled a captivating set of true stories about the lives of famous leaders to help replenish reader's motivation for success.

Mason's stories feature those who sacrificed all to help others, worked ceaselessly on scientific achievements or utilized their personable demeanors to accomplish great feats. He hopes readers are inspired and encouraged by these uplifting tales. Perfect for those reflecting on life, the book lights the fires within and motivates readers to help mankind by making examples of themselves.

Well-known figures, such as Benjamin Franklin, Henry Ford and George Washington Carver, are all included, as well as more obscure heroes such as Deborah Sampson, who dressed like a man to fight for freedom like other American patriots in the Revolutionary War. These stories describe the lives, hopes, personalities and traits of these prolific leaders, from Clara Barton's selflessness to the intelligence of dictionary master Noah Webster.

Ezry Mason writes that his book isn't just reshaping the biographies of famous leaders; instead, it tells a warm, intimate story of each person and what they did to make their names known, whether those were ingenious decisions or mistakes.

To Inspire Greatness is Ezry Mason's first book.


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