Exceptional Role Models Needed -- Author offers tips on how readers can ``become exceptional''

SAN DIEGO, Oct. 17, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- Exceptional individuals are not born; they are created. Life can be sculpted and cast for greatness, writes author Dr. Barbara Warren. In Become Exceptional (now available through 1stBooks), she explains how modern heroes develop and how people can follow a blueprint to become exceptional.

"Now, more than ever, people want to learn how to stand out from the masses," Warren writes.

With Become Exceptional, Warren reveals her own formula to success, based on the accomplishments of her extraordinary twin sister, Angelika. Through the book's protagonist, readers learn two essential principles to aid in their life journey. The author also provides a step-by-step outline and uses Angelika's real-life experiences to detail psychological lessons.

By using Warren's theory, readers can construct new patterns for behavior, making peak performances possible. "Discipline is formed by Forward Frustrations, and Specific Adversities build character, while values gain the nobility of Moral Fiber," the author writes.

A shy, withdrawn mountain girl from a village in the Austrian Alps, Angelika overcomes her meager beginnings to become an inspirational role model. From her boundless quests and struggles for success to her inspiring visions and unfaltering desires, the book details a remarkable and moving story that reminds readers that they, too, can "become exceptional."

Warren is a motivational seminar leader, counselor and eight-time record holding athlete in ultra-distance sports. She has graced the sets of "Regis and Kathy Lee," "Good Morning America," "BBC England" and numerous other shows. Warren was also featured in magazines, such as Sport Illustrated, and newspapers across Europe and America. She has also worked as a sculptress, an actress and fashion model. She has written two other self-help books titled How To Do What You Don't Want To Do and Unleash the Power To Complete Your Goals.


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