Hopital Europeen Georges Pompidou Begins Clinical Evaluation of BioCurex Cancer Detection Kits

RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA, Calif., Oct. 23, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- BioCurex Inc. (OTCBB:BOCX) is pleased to announce that extensive evaluations of the company's RECAF(tm) cancer detection technologies have commenced at Hopital Europeen Georges Pompidou in Paris, France.

In the first stage, BioCurex's FDA approved Histo-RECAF(tm) kit will be evaluated utilizing tissue sections (biopsies). Dr Diane Damotte, Department of Pathology, Pompidou Hospital will lead the study. Dr. Damotte has expressed a keen interest in this project. She has also expressed the hope that once the initial study is complete her Department will be able to undertake further analysis of BioCurex's RECAF(tm) marker technology.

In the second stage, the Cancer Department at Pompidou Hospital would examine other aspects of the RECAF(tm) technology--such as blood tests and tumor imaging.

BioCurex's President and CEO, Dr. Ricardo Moro stated: "The work in Paris has another important consequence: The connection with the Department of Pathology came through Prof. Jean-Marie Andrieu, Head of the Department of Oncology at Pompidou. This association allows BioCurex a unique opportunity to work with a whole team of oncologists. We expect that this collaboration will result in a comprehensive evaluation of RECAF(tm)'s efficacy, including pathology, blood tests and tumor imaging.

"Our initial studies indicate that the RECAF(tm) technology works on practically all types of cancer. However, we need to obtain independent validation for each cancer type. This process is time consuming; there are many different kinds of cancer. Therefore, as part of our overall strategy, we are engaging scientists in what can be best defined as a multi-centric, international study. The work to be done in France is necessary for the licensing of BioCurex's technology to European Biopharma companies."

The aggregate market size for the two tests is estimated in over $2B per year.

About BioCurex:

BioCurex, Inc. is a biotechnology company that is developing products based on patented/proprietary technology in the areas of cancer diagnosis, tumor imaging ad therapeutics. The technology identifies a cancer marker known as RECAF(tm), which is found on malignant cells from a variety of cancer types but is absent in most normal or benign cells. The Histo-RECAF(tm) kits provide proof of concept for the RECAF technology. Detailed information about BioCurex may be obtained from its website.


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