Interim Report of Nordic Aluminium Jan 1 -- September 30, 2003

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Oct. 23, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- The net sales of Nordic Aluminium were EUR 55.53 million. The operating profit for the period was EUR 3.03 million (EUR 2.70 million) and the net profit was EUR 2.03 million (EUR 1.36 million).

Net sales and profitability

The net sales of Nordic Aluminium accounted for EUR 55.53 million (EUR 59.98 million). International operations and exports accounted for EUR 21.1 million (EUR 23.4 million), which is 38 per cent of the net sales.

The net profit for the Profiles business area was considerably good after the holiday season. Profitability has grown throughout the entire year.

In the Electrotechnical business area, marketing and sales strategies were boosted. The profit level clearly exceeded the same period the previous year. With the view to increasing exports to the Baltic countries a new subsidiary, Nordic Aluminium Ou, was established in Estonia.

In the Components business area profitability improved due to increase in demand for telecommunication products, which started last summer. This was the case in both the domestic market and the Minnesota factory, USA. The heat sink business in Espoo factory suffered from low level of order intake.


The operating profit of Nordic Aluminium amounted to EUR 2.03 million (EUR 1.36 million). Earnings per share for the period were EUR 0.44 (EUR 0.29)


The gross capital expenditures for the period were EUR 0.65 million (EUR 1.43 million).


During the first nine months in 2003 the average number of personnel in Nordic Aluminium Group was 411 (438). At the end of the period the number of employees was 396 (433).


The shares of Nordic Aluminium Plc are traded at the Helsinki Exchanges. The trading identifier is NOA1V and the ISIN code is FI0009006415. During the first nine months of the year 2003 a number of 54,959 shares were traded with EUR 0.35 million. The share quotation ranged between EUR 5.80 and EUR 7.35. The number of shares was 4,616,132, which remained unchanged during the reporting period. The market capitalisation of the company's shares stood at EUR 33.7 million (EUR 32.3 million) at the end of June.


There were no significant changes in the ownership during the first nine months of the year (1-9/2003). Although, on October 6, Oy Lival Ab informed the company that the ownership share of Oy Lival Ab in Nordic Aluminium Plc has risen above 65 per cent on October 6, 2003. Nordic Aluminium is now a subsidiary of Oy Lival Ab.


At the end of the reporting period, the order backlog for the Group was EUR 4.86 million (EUR 6.28 million). The overall annual result will clearly exceed the previous year. The changes made in the organisational and operational structures, have raised the company's efficiency and competitiveness.

Improvement in the Electrotechnical Products business area's sales and marketing will increase sales in the near future. The Profiles business area will continue to be stable despite the short order backlog. New products in the telecommunications section will boost utilisation rate in the Nivala factory. New customers from central Europe will improve the employment in the Espoo factory.

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