TeliaSonera January-September 2003 -- Pro Forma 1

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Oct. 29, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- TeliaSonera:

Record free cash flow through strong earnings and lower CAPEX

 -- Net sales for the nine-month period increased 1 percent to SEK 
    60,718 million (60,034).
 -- Net income for the nine-month period improved to SEK 4,836 million
    (-35,898) and earnings per share to SEK 1.03 (-7.68).
 -- Profit improvements across the Group during the nine-month period
    generated improved operating income of SEK 9,531 million
    (-46,004). Excluding non-recurring items2), operating income 
    improved to SEK 11,274 million (3,842).
 -- Free cash flow for the nine-month period increased to SEK 14,190
    million (5,862).
 -- Third quarter EBITDA margin excluding non-recurring items increased 
    to 39 percent (34).
 -- Synergies ahead of schedule. Decisions taken in 2003 are expected to
    yield annual cost savings of SEK 1,302 million and annual investment
    savings of SEK 321 million at the end of 2005.

Key Figures

 In millions, except          Jul-Sep  Jul-Sep  Jul-Sep  Jan-Sep  Jan-Sep
 percentages and per share       2003     2003     2002     2003     2002
 data                             SEK   EUR 3)      SEK      SEK      SEK

 Net sales                     20,094    2,239   20,102   60,718   60,034
 EBITDA excl. non-recurring     7,915      882    6,889   23,547   19,102
 Margin (%)                      39.4     39.4     34.3     38.8     31.8
 Income from associated           326       36   -2,731     -344  -33,407
 Operating income               3,560      397  -12,655    9,531  -46,004
 Operating income excl. non-    4,084      455    1,032   11,274    3,842
 recurring items
 Income after financial         3,260      363  -13,126    9,019  -46,711
 Net income                     1,735      193  -12,266    4,836  -35,898
 Earnings/loss per share         0.37     0.04    -2.62     1.03    -7.68
 CAPEX                          1,889      210    2,788    5,624    8,350
 Free cash flow                 5,138      572    3,617   14,190    5,862
 Legal 4)
 Net sales                     20,094    2,239   14,496   61,371   42,727
 Net income                     1,735      193  -10,118    6,245   -9,961
 Earnings/loss per share         0.37     0.04    -3.37     1.34    -3.32

 1) Pro forma presentation as if the merger of Telia and Sonera had taken
    place on January 1, 2002 and excluding Telia's Finnish mobile
    operations and Swedish cable TV operations.
 2) Non-recurring items, see table on page 27.
 3) Convenience translation only, conversion rate SEK 1 = EUR 0.111433.
 4) Including Sonera operations and the new Baltic subsidiaries since
    December 3, 2002 and Telia's Finnish mobile operations and Swedish
    cable TV operations through May 31, 2003.

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