Just Let Your Mascara Run - New Book Takes Humorous Look at Hardships and Foibles of Life

TYLER, Texas, Nov. 3, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- Life is funny. Often, as kids we long for the days when we will be independent adults, but when we are confronted by the realities and responsibilities of adulthood, we want to return to our carefree childhoods. In her fabulous new novel about life, Girls...Just Let Your Mascara Run (now available through 1stBooks), Lillian Elizabeth Anne describes the awkward transition from childhood to adulthood and proves that life may not be easy, but there is no going back!

Liz Anne uses her real life as a jumping point to examine some of the broader issues that affect people's daily lives. Girls...Just Let Your Mascara Run begins with the night of her birth and follows her as she careens through life. Through humor and a deft approach to sensitive subjects, Anne helps people relate and cope with the hardships and heartaches of life. Breaking the book down into stages, she addresses various stages of life, including childhood, adolescence, the college-years, middle age and marriage.

"(I have) taken the stages of life and looked at it with such humor that I keep you captivated and laughing throughout the book...(M)y book covers more situations, such as illnesses, the loss of a parent, rape, abuse, alcoholism, choosing a mate and what you should think about before committing yourselves to that marriage," Liz Anne says.

A chronicle of the ups and downs of a roller coaster called life, Girls...Just Let the Mascara Run is a humorous look at growing up and growing old.

Raised in a small Texas city, Liz Anne has been married for 31 years. She spent most of those years a mother, housewife and volunteer as well as owner of a small interior design business. Liz Anne has held numerous positions with various organizations, including committee chairman, historian and president of Beta Sigma Phi and editor of the newsletter for the Women's Symphony League. She is currently serving on the East Texas Crisis Center Board. Girls...Just Let Your Mascara Run is her first book.


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