Goats in the Kitchen - Author Tells True Story of Survival in the Wilds of Canada

SAULT SAINTE MARIE, Ontario, Nov. 19, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- The human spirit seems to be able to persevere in almost any environment, under any circumstance. In the frozen Canadian shield, a widowed mother and her eight children struggle to survive on their icy farm and live to tell the tale in the new book, Goats in the Kitchen: A True Story of Adventures Unlike Any Other (now available through 1stBooks), by Dorie Mactino.

Goats in the Kitchen is a true story of one family bonding in the midst of chaos. Mactino's story, begins when, as a young American woman from the city, she follows her husband to a farm more than 2,000 miles into "the middle of nowhere" in the bitter cold of northern Canada. Taking along their seven children, which range in age from 2 to 15 and baby number eight due within a couple weeks, the Mactinos move into a home, which lacks electricity, running water and heat. To make matters worse, the house has a leaky roof, a flooded basement as well as a few other ugly surprises waiting, and the Mactinos have very little money saved.

Mactino's husband suffers his fourth heart attack and dies shortly after they arrive on the farm, leaving her and her children to struggle on. Facing starvation, Mactino and her children claw their way to survival. Winning against all odds, they learn everything from how to "mud," lay carpet and electrically wire their house to how to build kitchen cupboards, keep bears off the porch and deal with five goats in the kitchen at 2 a.m.

Goats in the Kitchen is a unique story of survival, perseverance and winning out against the odds.

Mactino was raised in Europe, moved stateside and later moved into the frozen wilds of Canada with her family. Now widowed, she is the single mother of nine children, six of whom still live at home. Mactino has written newspaper and magazine articles, but Goats in the Kitchen is her first book. Mactino is currently traveling in "Mother Goose," the magic purple school bus, with six of her nine children on an educational tour of North America.


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