Virginia Gold Mines Inc. Rated 'Speculative Buy' by Investrend Affiliate eResearch Analysts, Target Set at C$2.50

NEW YORK, Dec. 22, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- (Investrend Research Syndicate) Analysts Robert Simpson and Barbara Thomae of Investrend Research affiliate eResearch, rated Virginia Gold Mines Inc. (TSX:VIA) a "Speculative Buy" in an initiating report and set a price target at C$2.50.

In the Report, which is free for a limited period of time on eResearch's website and, the analysts commented on the Company's business: "The Quebec-based, TSX-listed junior has a wide-ranging series of exploration targets within its large portfolio of relatively unexplored properties in the Canadian Province of Quebec" and "Virginia is considered a very active mining exploration company and one of the most significant mining property holders in the province of Quebec. The Company's strategy assures a long-term presence in Quebec through a diversified portfolio, partnerships with multinational miners and local companies, expertise and a solid financial base. The Company has shown it is adaptable to changing demands for different metals. With two-thirds of Virginia's portfolio devoted to gold, the remainder is devoted to base metals and the hunt for platinum group metals (PGMs)."

eResearch (Independent Equity Research Corp.) is an independent equity research firm focused on under-covered, under-followed North American equities. It has based its business model on that of the bond rating agencies and receives fees from its subscribers and the companies it covers. It does not trade in the securities of the companies it covers or accept any stock related compensation for its research services. It conducts no investment banking, consulting or investor relations services for the companies it covers. eResearch's sole business is equity research. Virginia Gold Mines has paid eResearch a fee of C$3,800 to conduct research on it.

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