If P&C Insurance -- If Group Year-end Report

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Feb. 11, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- If P&C Insurance: January 1 -- December 31, 2003

 -- The positive earnings trend continued during the fourth quarter. 
    The operating result for 2003 improved by nearly SEK 4.8 billion to
    profit of MSEK 2,702 (loss: 2,080)

 -- Earnings from the insurance business (technical result) improved 
    to profit of MSEK 1,624 (321)

 -- In total, the result of prior-year claims was a loss of MSEK
    1,938 (loss: 272)

 -- The combined ratio improved to 100.9 percent (106.1). The
    turnaround program launched at the beginning of 2002 had a  
    positive impact on earnings, at the same time as the current-
    year claims result was favorable

 -- The investment result benefited from falling interest rates at
    the beginning of the year and the upturn in equity markets. The 
    current value investment return was 4.6 percent (2.1)

 -- The return on equity was 15.5 percent (neg: 16.5)

 -- The Group's revised financial targets aim for a long-term return 
    on equity of 15 percent and a combined ratio of 97-99 percent in
    the next two to three years

Solna, Sweden, February 11, 2004

Torbjorn Magnusson President and CEO

A combined web and teleconference will be held on February 11 at 16:30 CET. Please use the following link for relevant instructions:

Further details and a presentation of the year-end report are published under Financial Information on If's website www.if-insurance.com

This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.net

The full report is available for download:



http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2004/02/11/20040211BIT00220/wkr0003.xls Appendix


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