PA Chamber: Senate Vote Falls Short Of Needed Lawsuit Abuse Reforms

HARRSIBURG, Pa., March 10, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- The Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry said that the vote today on caps on non-economic damages in the Senate doesn't go far enough to solve a liability crisis that is hindering the Commonwealth's economy and its competitiveness.

What should have been an historic vote that gives the citizens of Pennsylvania a say in whether lawmakers should proceed with reasonable guidelines on excessive non-economic damage awards in all civil liability cases was limited to medical malpractice cases only. Pennsylvania is one of only five states where the legislature has not given its citizens this say.

"While we recognize the critical need to address our medical malpractice crisis here in Pennsylvania, today's vote was only a partial victory in the fight to restore fairness, common sense and personal responsibility to our legal system," said Floyd Warner, president of the PA Chamber. "All businesses face potential liability problems similar to those facing the medical community. We are disappointed that the constitutional question was limited to medical malpractice cases only."

Using misleading statements, blatant misinformation and questionable tactics, trial lawyers and organized labor worked furiously to deny the right of Pennsylvania citizens to participate in this debate.

"They are the ones that should be ashamed here," Warner said.

"Unreasonable jury awards in any civil liability case slow economic growth and job creation," he said, noting that studies show that a state's litigation environment largely impacts business decisions, such as where to locate or expand, and even what products to introduce or improve.

"By limiting the debate to excessive lawsuit awards in med mal cases, the full effect of this needed lawsuit abuse reform measure will not be realized," he added. "As a result, Pennsylvanians will continue to pay for our liability crisis through higher prices for goods and services, and fewer jobs and job opportunities."

The Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry is the state's largest broad-based business association and the fastest growing state chamber in the United States, with more than 10,000 members covering all 67 counties. More information is available on the Chamber's website at

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