Landshypotek: The district heating group credits

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, July 7, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- The process of exiting the lending exposure of Lantbrukskredit, a subsidiary of Landshypotek, to the district heating group has today moved forward as Lantbrukskredit has entered into an agreement with the owners of the group.

Lantbrukskredit has acquired 100% of the shares in EnergiSystem i Sverige AB, the Swedish parent company of the group, and thereby of its subsidiaries, together with all claims and rights of the owners against the EnergiSystem group.

Lantbrukskredit plans to consolidate the EnergiSystem-group, renegotiate the current contracts with the customers and ultimately sell the EnergiSystem-group. To help achieve this Lantbrukskredit has secured the services and expertise of Mr. Gosta Lindh, an energy consultant with more than 25 years experience from the power industry.

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