StockPickReport.Com Announces Stock Ratings: Divergent Signals?

SHREVEPORT, La., Sept. 9, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- StockPickReport, the web's only non-mainstream stock-rating service, rates Qwest (NYSE:Q), Texas Instruments (NYSE:TXN), Exxon Mobil (NYSE:XOM), and Ford Motor Company (NYSE:F)


Qwest (NYSE:Q) - "Strong Sell"

Texas Instruments (NYSE:TXN) - "Sell"

Exxon Mobil (NYSE:XOM) - "Buy"

Ford Motor Company (NYSE:F) - "Buy"


Got a great question in email today: StockPickReport member, Peter, asks, "... what do you do if the stochastics are looking like a sell, but the macd looks ok?" Peter, we hope, won't mind if we phrase his question another way: "If multiple trade signals are divergent, what should I do?"

There are so many ways to answer this, but we think the best way is to provide three scenarios that illustrate our point, which is, "You want signals in alignment more-often-than-not to make trade decisions."

If you have a "good" thing going with a set of signals you trust. It makes little sense to mix in a little "bad" with your "good" trading system. If you like to enter or exit trades when signals are "lined up", then, stick to that system. Specifically, "If macd and stochastics are not in line, we would hesitate to enter or exit a trade based on that data."

Now, here is the really important part: If you are IN a trade and you want to decide whether to "stay in" or "get out", you really are entering a new trade. See, every moment you are "in" stock, you are making a decision that your money is better IN that stock than OUT of that stock. That's a decision you must make daily (or hourly, or by the minute, or whatever your time-frame-of-choice is).

So, on a daily (or whatever your time-frame-of-choice is) basis you need to ask whether the signals you use to trade on are in line or not. If they are, and you are satisfied with that analysis, then you might want to stay "in". However, if the trade signals you like are NOT in line with each other, you may find that an opportunity to get "out" of a stock.

There are way too many opportunities where signals line up to squander your time, money, and emotion fretting over the times when signals don't converge.

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StockPickReport.Com ranks stocks with technical analysis. These ratings do not indicate a "long-term" view. These ratings reflect an opinion for the short term. These ratings may change based on market conditions.


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