Stock-Letter-Daily.Com -- 'Four Buy-Rated Stocks'

SHREVEPORT, La., Sept. 17, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Stock-Letter-Daily.Com ( - an affilate site of StockPickReport, the web's only non-mainstream stock rating service), rates Veritas, OmniVision, Johnson & Johnson, and The Gap


VERITAS Software Corporation (NASDAQ:VRTS) - BUY

OmniVision Technologies Inc (NASDAQ:OVTI) - BUY

Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) - BUY

The Gap Inc (NYSE:GPS) - BUY


My grandmother is 89 years old. So is my grandfather. About 15 years ago they moved into an "assisted living" community. This move shocked me because they were in such wonderful health.

I asked my grandmother why they moved when they did not have to. Her reply was amazingly predictive, poignant, and instructive. She said, "We moved because we wanted to move when we could, not when we were forced to."

15 years later, my grandmother had a stroke last month. The stroke sapped her strength, but not her mind. My family is thankful that she is in an environment where care is available 24 hours a day.

So, my grandparents made a wise decision 15 years ago.

The older I get, the more I realize what I don't know. That sounds like a cliche, but, well, it's true. I learn from my wife. I learn from my kids. I learn from my friends. Life teaches me something new everyday.

Today, what I want you to hear, you may already know. But, the lesson was new to me. I hope my grandmother's words, "...when we could, not when we were forced to..." will ring true with you, as they now do with me.

If we do what may be difficult when we have a choice, it will be so much easier than if we wait 'til our hand is forced. In the stock market, as in life, this is true. The ability all of us have to sell a stock for a profit, or, to preserve capital when a trade does not go our way, should not be forgotten.

When you look at your portfolio, ask if you really should be holding the stocks you hold. If you don't REALLY think you should, why not "clean house" when you can? Maybe waiting til you "have to" is not the best choice.

I know that I write using analogies that at times may seem stretched a bit. Hopefully this is not one of those occasions. The lesson I learned from my grandparents is one that I will apply to all that I do for the rest of my life. - Don Harrold, September 17, 2004

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If the links to our ratings above do not work, please use these:

VERITAS Software Corporation (NASDAQ:VRTS) - BUY

OmniVision Technologies Inc (NASDAQ:OVTI) - BUY

Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) - BUY

The Gap Inc (NYSE:GPS) - BUY


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