A Terrifying Trip through the Psyche -- New Horror Story Collection Rattles Readers

SHAWNEE, Okla., Sept. 20, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Darkness hides deep in the corners of the human mind, writes RW (Bob) Blevins, author of the new book Death as the Provider: Three Other Tales of Terror (now available through AuthorHouse). With vivid imagination, readers encounter the eerie gloom captured in four frightening short stories.

Although diverse in their topics, each story invokes a deep fright within the reader. The first story, "Home Grown," follows a newspaper reporter who is caught in a sickening whirlwind of gruesome murder. While covering the story of a vigilante who kills drug dealers, an innocent family is brutally murdered by someone seeking the reward money for the vigilante's death. The sight of the bloody scene sends the reporter to the hospital and triggers violent visions that direct him toward a psychopathic high school teacher who is equally as ruthless.

In the title story, "Death as the Provider," a father copes with the consequences of watching his family burn alive in a fire. His punishment for not rescuing them is to witness the horrific deaths repeatedly in hell. In "The Hunters," Blevins tells a creative story about two groups, the Gatherers and the Hunters. These two sects are not enemies, nor are they friends. When a hunter discovers a "magic liquid" made from grapes, which his people have been warned against, he describes his first experience with intoxication.

The final story is a strange but intriguing explanation of the inherent human fear of the dark. Could it be that darkness and evil were the first things to exist on earth? Are they living beings who anticipate the moment when they can take control of the light? This surreal tale is told from the viewpoint of the first living being.

Death as the Provider is a collection of stories that delves into the twisted confines of the mind and touches on primal fears. Vividly descriptive, Blevins' tales are as memorable as they are shocking.

Born in Augusta, Ga., Blevins now resides in Shawnee, Okla. He holds a bachelor's degree in business administration and is employed as a quality engineer. He says he loves to sit and watch people read his stories; seeing and hearing their reactions is the greatest gift he receives for writing. Death as the Provider is his first book.

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