Nimble Thoughts Untangle Christian Knots -- New Book Offers Clarity in the Face of Spiritual Confusion

AMMAN, Jordan, Sept. 29, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- As this hurricane season has proven, sometimes the most rigid structures fall while the most pliable, delicate ones remain standing. Fathom if you can: God...A Different Perspective (now available through AuthorHouse) by Hana Mouasher offers simple and lighthearted ponderings on God that defy the weight of complex dogma and navigate people through murky doubt.

"(Fathom if you can) is free, unrestricted thought that does not take cover under religious conservatism," writes Mouasher. "It is a down-to-earth, humorous attempt at untangling the mysteries of the Christian faith. The reader is addressed directly and is treated as an equal in the struggle to comprehend."

Mouasher's Catholic upbringing comes through in chapters such as "On Mother Mary and the Saints" and "On Confession." However, most of the book is devoted to universally Christian topics, and Mouasher consistently keeps the tone conversational and straightforward. Her perspectives remain fresh, even on a subject that can grow stale within the confines of closed minds.

The chapter "On Prayer" illustrates Mouasher's colloquial style, which brims with empathy, encouragement and friendliness toward the reader. Her words gently challenge Christians, or even those teetering toward a spiritual path, to not just pray emphatically, but to have fun with it. For example, Mouasher often finds herself praying in her car. She explains that when a rude driver incites her to swear, she immediately apologizes to God for insulting his creation. This reminds her that every situation involves factors outside her knowledge and keeps her mind filled with loving thoughts instead of hateful ones.

A simple and concise guide to lifting one's heart to God instead of letting it get weighed down by worry and sorrow, Fathom if you can gives Christians and those seeking a spiritual path true reasons to rejoice.

Mouasher was born into a large Catholic family in the Middle East. Educated in Anglican schools, she graduated from high school and college in England, and has gained unique insight into Christianity because of her worldly opportunities. Mouasher has been an award winning athlete, a guitarist in a teenage band and a model. She has experienced war, peace, marriage, motherhood and divorce, and has worked a variety of jobs. A student of English, French, Arabic and Japanese, Mouasher's mosaic of life experiences has inspired her to keep an open mind on world issues and feeds into her writing. Fathom if you can is her first book.

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