StockPickReport: 'Fly With Delta's Stock?'

SHREVEPORT, La., Oct. 19, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Stock-Letter-Daily.Com ( -- an affiliate site of StockPickReport, the web's only non-mainstream stock rating service), rates Marsh & McLennan Co's, Dell Inc, Delta Air Lines Inc. and Altera Corporation.


Marsh & McLennan Co's (NYSE:MMC) -- SELL

Dell Inc. (Nasdaq:DELL) -- SELL

Delta Air Lines Inc. (NYSE:DAL) -- BUY

Altera Corporation (Nasdaq:ALTR) -- BUY


Tuesday, October 19, 2004 StockPickReport Commentary

"Critical Level of Support"

Last week we mentioned that the S&P must remain above 1100 or else face much sharper losses. The market as a whole depends on that -- short term, at least.

Well, check out what has happened since the drop in the S&P last week. The S&P has traded down to 1102. And, the S&P is forming a very clear double-bottom that we feel must be maintained. If you are holding any stocks, watch the S&P closely. Don't allow a downdraft to put you "in the hole".

Our opinion continues to be that the S&P needs to keep closing over 1100. A drop below is bad news, we think.

"Indulge Me For A Moment"

Monday, I mentioned that we'd talk about Gold and Silver as investment opportunities today. However, a discussion I had with a friend of mine so moved me that I felt I should share it with you tonight.

So, please indulge me for a moment. I plan to get back to Gold and Silver tomorrow.

My mother died in 1990. I was much younger then. My youth was measured not only in years but in wisdom (or lack thereof). Her death was the source of many sleepless nights for me. You see, I did not have a good relationship with my mom at times.

Since that January day in 1990, I find my mom's voice seems more distant each year. In my mind, though, her face is perpetually young and full. I don't remember the cancer. Just the smiles, hugs, and "good times".

I got over the pain of losing her to brain cancer, for, time does seem to heal many wounds. Yet, I do miss the opportunity to share my children with her. I would love to hear her say, "Don, you turned out okay. I'm proud of you," and, it would be nice to hear my sons beg to " . . . go to grandma's house and play . . . "

These are issues I've dealt with for 14 years. But, my friend, Steve, recently lost his mother and he was not prepared for the loss. When Steve called me today, he said something sad to me. In a way, sad even beyond the loss of his mother.

Steve said that among those in his office, business partners, and employees, not one of them called to ask how we were doing. None of them dropped by his house to offer sympathy. Steve told me that I was one of the only folks to seem to care about him at this time, and he couldn't understand why that was. This fact was puzzling to him because he and I have never met "in person". (Our relationship began through business online a couple years ago.)

Now, if you've lost a parent, child, or loved one of any sort, you may know what Steve knows now (and I learned 14 years ago): Some of the people you expect will lend you their ear are "nowhere to be found", and some of the ones you least expect, will sit with you all night -- or as long as it takes -- to help ease your emotional pain.

Steve thanked me for my friendship and we concluded our call. Before we closed, though, I told him two things. I said, first, that he should, "not be hard on those who weren't there for him" -- for they don't really understand his pain, for if they did, they'd be more supportive, and secondly that, if it were not for my own loss, I too would probably not have picked up the phone to call him, either.

That's just human nature, I think. We are a selfish lot -- generally. But, every day we can make a difference in someone's life, I think we should. We should try to overcome our selfish nature and find ways to connect to those who hurt whenever the opportunity arises.

That, if nothing else more dramatic, is what I learned from my mother's passing.

For More Commentary Go Here:


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If the links to our ratings above do not work, please use these:

Marsh & McLennan Co's (NYSE:MMC) -- SELL

Dell Inc. (Nasdaq:DELL) -- SELL

Delta Air Lines Inc. (NYSE:DAL) -- BUY

Altera Corporation (Nasdaq:ALTR) -- BUY


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