Schedule Smart Links Car Dealerships and Auto Services Vendors Via New Online Portal

New System Simplifies Automotive Industry's Traditional Aftermarket Work Order Request Process

LONG ISLAND, N.Y., Nov. 1, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Schedule Smart today launched the Work Order Scheduling System, a new Internet-based portal that aims to dramatically alter the relationship between car dealerships and aftermarket vendors.

The Schedule Smart website provides a common medium for automotive dealers and aftermarket vendors to schedule appointments, track updates and communicate. The convenience and flexibility the site offers translates into significantly increased productivity and efficiency for dealerships and service vendors alike. Most importantly, the Work Order Scheduling System is free to all dealers and requires a minimum subscription fee for vendors, as the system is completely browser based.

"Schedule Smart gives you everything you need right on your computer screen," said Alisa Brasill, Lexus of Smithtown, Smithtown, N.Y. "The system eliminates the time-consuming process of making phone calls to schedule work. Spending less time on the phone leaves more time to do work, which results in better and quicker service for customers."

When customers purchase a vehicle and request add-on items, the car dealership simply logs onto the system using an assigned user ID and password and has the option to schedule the work directly with its preferred vendor or to choose from among a list of vendors in the local area who provide the needed services. Dealers can also get instant price quotes for any task; and they will be able to electronically track the status of any job from initial entry through completion. Service vendors can access the Work Order Scheduling System's marketing channel and network where they can receive dealerships' work order requests and assign selected tasks to their employees. The employees receive notification of the requests and after completing the work send an instant confirmation to the car dealership. The system also handles work order status, pricing and payment collection, and much more.

"The automotive industry is increasingly realizing the power of the Internet to increase sales and reduce costs," said Jeff Tabachnick, CEO of Schedule Smart. "With this new online portal system, Schedule Smart provides additional value to dealers and service vendors."

The system operates on state of the art technology including Microsoft ASP.NET, VB.NET and the SQL 2000 Database. DapaSoft Inc. will also host the system.

   Make appts online anytime
   Track job status
   Instant Price quotes
   Know availability immediately
   Compare products
   Searchable database ex. Past jobs or billing etc
   Faster, easier, less mistakes, more organized


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