StockPickReport: "Dell, Envoy, Novell, and American International Stock Ratings"

SHREVEPORT, La., Dec. 31, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- StockPickReport.Com ( - the web's only non-mainstream stock rating service), rates Dell Inc, Envoy Communications, Novell Inc, American International Group Inc



Envoy Communications (NASDAQ:ECGI) - BUY


American International Group Inc (NYSE:AIG) - SELL


                   Friday, December 31, 2004 
                   StockPickReport Commentary

Irony and Glory

We got this in email today: "...thank you for prompting me to donate to the disaster. I did, and was instantly rewarded by God with a more than doubling of the stock price of HOFF overnight. God is faithful !!"

Do you see the irony of this email? On one hand we have a member who credits God with the doubling of HOFF (a stock we picked earlier this month), and on the other hand, the donation he made was to help victims of the worst natural disaster of our lifetime.

And, God didn't stop the Tsunami. God didn't stop the earthquake that caused the tsunami. God didn't stop the death of thousands of people in the path of the great waves.

And, God didn't stop the member that wrote us from making a donation. It is this last point that I believe many people do not see. So many folks will ask, "How can God allow 'bad' things to happen to innocent people?", yet another valid question is, "How can I allow MYSELF to do 'bad' things to innocent people?"

I do not place myself in the place of God. I do not speak as God. This is true in my personal life and it is true here. I just know in my heart that the glory of the God our member referred to must be seen in his (our member's) choice to GIVE to people he did not know, nor will probably ever know.

You do not need to believe in God to appreciate the kindness that so many people around the world have extended to the victims in Asia. The wonderful, compassionate, loving spirit that guides the hand of so many to help the helpless is a moving reminder of what is so important in life.

I believe that the member who wrote to us is correct. I believe that God is faithful. I also believe that we must all count each day we have as a blessing and do our best to BE our best. We don't ever know when a "tsunami" could roll over our home, too.

The segue I make to a discussion of your portfolio seems stilted to me. I'd love to continue with more opinion on love, compassion, and giving. But, I hope you'll allow me to say that this relates to your portfolio in a simple way.

One of my partners and enjoyed a conversation today about this issue. We concluded that the stock market is one of those rare places where you have SOME control over your destiny. (I hope you'll take note of the word, "some".)

You can set targets. You can set stop/losses. You can trade on margin. You can sell options on stock you own. You can buy options to leverage your cash. You can...

...well, you get the idea.

Can you still get "wiped out" regardless of what measures you take? Well, yeah. Anything is possible. But, you can lessen your chances of a catastrophe with SIMPLE measures.

Technical analysis is what we use to guide us. We are firm believers that "numbers don't lie". Or, more correctly that, "numbers have a lesser statistical likelihood of deceiving you more often than not".

And, it is this statistical likelihood that we think you should embrace, as well. It is this statistical likelihood that gives me the impetus to say, "Buy the book, 'Technical Analysis Explained' by Martin Pring." It is this statistical likelihood that fuels the engine of my conscience to report on the double-speak and baloney of "mainstream wallstreet".

Ultimately, it is this statistical likelihood that offers hope in an ocean without a shoreline in any direction. The hope that beyond the storms, waves, and defeat of "mainstream wallstreet" lies an answer to the question, "What should I do with the stocks I own?"

Like I sais above, I believe the member who wrote us is correct. But, you do have to notice the irony, I think. I hope you understand that my point here is not to question God, but rather stand in awe and realize the fragility, importance, and precious nature of the time that we all have each day.

Another member emailed us today and said, "A few weeks back I read where you said the market was rolling over, yet it's done nothing but remain strong and rising. I certainly didn't see any signs of rolling over nor do I in the near future. What made or makes you think so?"

The short answer to that question is we use technical analysis, and the technical analysis indicators we follow point to an overbought market. I hope you'll read Sunday night's commentary for the long version...

I thank you for your membership. 2004 was a, well, "interesting" year for StockPickReport. It means so much to us that you are a member and you trust us to bring you commentary and stock picks.

We began StockPickReport in April, 1999. My goal was to provide you with unbiased, honest, quality stock picks and commentary. I hope you get that from us.

One more thing I'd like to mention as we close 2004. I've learned that anything is possible. I've learned that there are powers greater than me afoot in this world and I am humbled by them. I've learned that life has a funny way of throwing you a curve when you expect a fast ball. And, I learned that sometimes it pays to listen to the donkey saddled beneath you.

2005 will offer all of us opportunities for profit, and, yes, loss. Some of us will make money in the market. Some of us will not. Regardless of whether you make money or lose money in the stock market, my wish is that you will find great profit in the relationships you have with your family and friends.

Before midnight arrives tonight, if you have a wife or husband, tell them now how important they are to you. If you have children, remind them how beautiful and valuable they are to you. If you know someone who has neither family, nor friend, go to them, and bring the joy of your New Year to them.

It is in that last venture that I believe you'll find the greatest joy of all this New Year.

Please have a safe and happy New Year celebration!

For More Commentary Go Here:


StockPickReport.Com ranks stocks with technical analysis. These ratings do not indicate a "long term" view. These ratings reflect an opinion for the short term. These ratings may change based on market conditions.


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Envoy Communications (NASDAQ:ECGI) - BUY


American International Group Inc (NYSE:AIG) - SELL


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