The Absurdity of Religion - New Book Presents Argument Against Spiritual Beliefs

LAS VEGAS, January 28, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- When convictions of faith are involved, normally peaceful people can clash heatedly, even violently, in defense of their spiritual persuasions. Kane Ray posits that members of all religious camps are not only duping themselves, but they are harming society. He explains why in Religion: The Paradigm of Self-Deception (now available through AuthorHouse).

"This book philosophically targets and attacks some of the fundamental, logical problems with religious beliefs in an attempt to demonstrate to the reader that religious beliefs are absurd," writes Ray.

Using logic and reasoning as well as psychological, sociological and philosophical examples, he critically analyzes the tendency for people worldwide to devote their lives to divine teachings. From Buddhism to Islam, Ray levels the playing field and puts each belief system under an equally glaring light. Organized into chapters that can be followed according to one's particular interest, Religion: The Paradigm of Self-Deception challenges the faithful and intrigues those who are already spiritually skeptical.

Ray clearly illustrates his opinions on the futile exercise of believing in miracles and the Christian community's monopoly on morality. He also addresses the dangers in mixing religion and politics and the prevalent radical convictions that fuel acts of violence and persecution, particularly the events of Sept. 11.

A provocative analysis of spirituality, Religion: The Paradigm of Self-Deception sounds a call to readers to rely on their sense of what is good for society instead of on blind faith as a guideline for living.

Raised in upstate New York, Ray earned a Bachelor of Arts in political science and philosophy, which he has been studying for more than eight years. About Religion: The Paradigm of Self-Deception, his first published book, he writes: "I perceive religion to be an unnecessary institution in the world that has generally been, and still is, a force of bad in the world. Because I believe this, and because I am a moralistic person by nature who cares about society and mankind, I felt motivated and obliged to write this particular book." Ray currently lives in Las Vegas, where he is completing two new works.

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