Antisoma and Raylo Sign Major Manufacturing Deal for AS1411

LONDON and EDMONTON, Alberta, Canada, March 14, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- Cancer drug developer Antisoma plc (LSE:ASM) announces that it has signed an agreement with Raylo Chemicals of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, for the manufacture of AS1411 (formerly AGRO100). Quantities produced will be amongst the largest to date for any aptamer drug, and sufficient to support multiple clinical trials. Antisoma is planning a programme of trials to evaluate thoroughly the efficacy of AS1411, building on promising signs of anti-cancer activity seen in a phase I study conducted at the Brown Cancer Center in Louisville, Kentucky, USA.

Raylo, a subsidiary of Degussa, has considerable expertise in the production of aptamers and other oligonucleotide drugs, having been involved in the manufacture of Pfizer and Eyetech's Macugen, the first aptamer drug to gain FDA approval.

Glyn Edwards, CEO of Antisoma, said, "We are determined to build rapidly on the encouraging signs from the first trial of AS1411. Raylo's ability to deliver AS1411 in substantial quantities will aid our smooth progress into further studies of this exciting new drug."

Except for the historical information presented, certain matters discussed in this statement are forward looking statements that are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such statements. These risks and uncertainties may be associated with product discovery and development, including statements regarding the company's clinical development programmes, the expected timing of clinical trials and regulatory filings. Such statements are based on management's current expectations, but actual results may differ materially.

Notes to Editors

Manufacture of AS1411

AS1411 is manufactured by extracting from salmon sperm the building blocks of DNA (nucleotides) and then linking these chemically to form a polymer (oliogonucleotide).


Aptamers such as AS1411 are oligonucleotides that can fold into a stable, three-dimensional structure capable of interacting with particular target proteins. AS1411 binds with high-specificity to the protein nucleolin, which is found on the surface of cancer cells. When AS1411 binds to cell-surface nucleolin, it is internalised and has been shown to kill cancer cells in a range of models.

Background on Antisoma

Based in London, U.K., Antisoma is a biopharmaceutical company that develops novel products for the treatment of cancer. Antisoma fills its development pipeline by acquiring promising new product candidates from internationally recognised academic or cancer research institutions. Its core activity is the preclinical and clinical development of these drug candidates. In 2002, Antisoma formed a broad strategic alliance with Roche to develop and commercialise products from Antisoma's pipeline. Please visit for further information about Antisoma.


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