StockPickReport: Stock Research for Intel, Qualcomm, MCIP, and Nextel from StockPickReport

SHREVEPORT, La., March 21, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- StockPickReport.Com (IARD #119079, - the web's only non-mainstream stock rating service), rates Intel, QUALCOMM Incorporated, MCIP , Nextel Communications Inc.


 Intel (Nasdaq:INTC) - SELL

 QUALCOMM Incorporated (Nasdaq:QCOM) - SELL

 Mci Inc. (AMEX:MCIP) - SELL

 Nextel Communications Inc. (Nasdaq:NXTL) - SELL

 Monday, March 21, 2005
 StockPickReport Commentary

We are turning more and more bearish every day. We feel like we have to batten down the hatches for a storm that's coming. You may look outside and think that everything's fine but if you look to the horizon, there are storm clouds brewing. Yet, the grasshoppers are still singing their tune on CNBC and the typical Wall Street rhetoric.

Look at this headline: "Clearer Picture on Inflation Coming As Fed Considers Rate Hike, Key Economic Reports Come Out." Really. Give me a break here. As if this report really matters. We all know as consumers there is inflation. Look at the things you buy in the store. Look at movie tickets or a jug of milk. As far as we recall these have all gone up the past few years, yet we must wait for the almighty "Key Economic Report" to tell us what we already know. I know people who have huge credit card debt. I know people who are house rich and cash poor. In fact, I know a rookie broker who bought a $500,000 house with his elementary school teacher wife. I bet they are scraping by just to go the movies after the mortgage payment.

If you live in the Shreveport, Louisiana area, for example, you are seeing a definite slow-down in the surrounding economy. Sites like, ShrevePortal ( are showing more and more news about the local economies that are microcosms of the greater U.S. trend: higher inflation, higher unemployment, and lower housing prices.

Speaking of mortgages, take a look at symbol "LEND" This tells me that the financing boom is over. People who already wanted to buy houses have already bought. So, if the housing market won't keep this economy going, what will? Perhaps not too much. Perhaps it's time to batten down the hatches -- at least half the hatches.

Or.. create a tempest of your own. Buy RYTPX. This will give you double upside for every one point to the downside in the S&P 500 equal weighted index. Now THAT's being proactive with your portfolio. Call Rydex Funds and ask how you can buy this fund.

I wouldn't wait to see how this possible storm will play out. I'd buy RYTPX today. Aside from selling bonds and buying gold, making this trade could be another great "trade of the year". That one trade that makes you come out way ahead.

We also believe that traders should consider the Forex market in the current environment. You can read more of our opinion on the Forex market at:

Finally, the recent news on Mesothelioma got us thinking about our editorial last year. We wonder, "when will the lawsuits end?" Last year we said that jobs could be lost, and, well, we were right. But, are we near the end? Read our original comments at

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If the links to our ratings above do not work, please use these:

 Intel (Nasdaq:INTC) - SELL

 QUALCOMM Incorporated (Nasdaq:QCOM) - SELL


 Nextel Communications Inc (Nasdaq:NXTL) - SELL


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