Details For Media Coverage of the Funeral and Burial Services for Fallen Los Angeles World Airports Police Officer Tommy Edward Scott

MEDIA ADVISORY, May 5, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- Media are invited to attend the funeral and burial services for fallen Los Angeles World Airports Police Officer Tommy Edward Scott on Friday, May 6, 2005.

The funeral service will begin at 9:30 a.m. at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, 555 West Temple Street, Los Angeles.

Burial service will begin at approximately 12:30 p.m., at Forest Lawn Cemetery-Hollywood Hills, the Hall of Liberty, 6300 Forest Lawn Drive, Los Angeles. Gravesite interment is for family and close friends and will be closed to media.

Pastor William Epps, Officer Scott's pastor at Second Baptist Church, Los Angeles, will preside over both services.

Media Details for Funeral Service

Credentials required: Credentials issued by L.A. Police Department, L.A. County Sheriffs or media organization are required. If media does not have one of these, please call LAX Public Relations at (310) 646-5260 by 4:00 p.m., Thursday, May 5.

TV pool: Radio & Television News Association of Southern California (RTNA) will coordinate TV pool. Only pool cameras will be allowed inside the Cathedral. Contact RTNA Rick Terrell at (562) 987-4545.

Still photography pool: Los Angeles Times will coordinate still photography pool. Only pool photographers will be allowed inside the Cathedral.

Multbox: A multbox will be available inside the Cathedral for radio.

Risers: Media may videotape, photograph and/or report (no live broadcast) on the funeral service from risers located adjacent to the Cathedral Bronze Doors. All media must be in place on the risers by 9:00 a.m.

Parking: Media parking will be located on the south side of Temple Street in front of the L.A. County building. NO media parking will be available in the Cathedral parking structure or on the north side of Temple.

Interviews: All live stand-ups must take place on the south side of Temple Street. No cabling will be allowed on the Cathedral Plaza. Airport Police Lt. Leon Nixon will be available for interviews at 4:30 a.m. through 7 a.m.

Media Details for Burial Service

No media pool arrangements at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Video from LAX special roaming camera will be fed by fiber through Hollywood hub and Pac TV's The Switch Friday afternoon. Exact time and feed information to come.

Credentials required: Credentials issued by L.A. Police Department, L.A. County Sheriffs or media organization are required. If media does not have one of these, please call LAX Public Relations at (310) 646-5260 by 4:00 pm, Thursday, May 5.

Risers and Designated Media Area: All media filming/photography will be taken from media area equipped with risers. All media must be in place on the risers by 11:30 a.m. NOTE: There will be a 95-foot throw from risers to podium.

Parking: Broadcast-equipped TV, radio and photographer vehicles ONLY may park in the lot east of the Hall of Liberty. All other media must park in attendee parking areas.

Media Relations Contact Information

 Funeral service:

 --  LAWA/LAX PR:  Nancy Suey Castles at (310) 646-5260; 24-hr. pager
     at (310) 523-8994
 --  Archdiocese of Los Angeles:  Carolina Guevara at (213) 637-7253
     or cell at (213) 276-2272

 Burial service:

 --  LAWA/LAX PR:  Tom Winfrey at (310) 646-5260; 24-hr. pager at
     (310) 523-8994
 --  Forest Lawn:  Erlinda Garcia at (323) 769-7308