Component Changes Made to Dow Jones Country Titans, Dow Jones Sector Titans, Dow Jones Islamic Market and Dow Jones Global Titans Indexes

NEW YORK, July 14, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- Dow Jones Indexes today announced component changes in the Dow Jones Netherlands Titans 30 Index, Dow Jones U.K. Titans 50 Index, Dow Jones Islamic Market Titans 100 Index, Dow Jones Global Titans 50 Index and Dow Jones Sector Titans Oil & Gas Index.

Effective with the opening of trading Wednesday, July 20, 2005 Koninklijke P&O Nedlloyd N.V. will replace Royal Dutch Petroleum in the Dow Jones Netherlands Titans 30 Index, O2 PLC will replace Shell Transport and Trading in the Dow Jones Islamic Market Titans 100 Index and Canadian Natural Resources Ltd will replace Shell Transport & Trading in the Dow Jones Sector Titans Oil and Gas Index.

Royal Dutch Petroleum will be replaced with the new future Royal Dutch Shell 'A' shares with the adjusted close of Royal Dutch Petroleum in the Dow Jones Global Titans 50 Index and Shell Transport and Trading Company will be replaced with the future new Royal Dutch Petroleum Shell 'A' shares with the adjusted close of Royal Dutch Petroleum in the Dow Jones U.K. Titans 50 Index.

The changes are being made due to the unification of Royal Dutch Petroleum and Shell Transport & Trading. As the new unified stock is incorporated in Great Britain with its primary listing at the London Stock Exchange, pricing for the new Royal Dutch Shell 'A' and 'B' shares will be taken from the London Stock Exchange.

All changes are effective July 20, 2005. The effective date is subject to the Royal Dutch offer being declared unconditional and the Shell Transport & Trading scheme of arrangement being effective.

Further information on the Dow Jones Country Titans, Dow Jones Islamic Market, Dow Jones Global Titans 50 and Dow Jones Sector Titans indexes can be found on the Dow Jones Indexes' web site

Company additions to and deletions from the Dow Jones Global Titans 50 Index, Dow Jones UK Titans 50 Index, Dow Jones Netherlands Titans 30 Index, Dow Jones Sector Titans Oil & Gas Index, Dow Jones Islamic Titans 100 Index as well as their respective broad market indexes do not in any way reflect an opinion on the investment merits of the company.

Journalists may e-mail questions regarding this press release to: or contact a member of the Dow Jones Indexes public relations group:

 New York:
 Sybille A. Reitz, +1-212-597-5735

 Simona Deckers, +49-69-97142894
 Nicole Wesch, +49-69-97142893

Note to Editors:

About Dow Jones IndexesDow Jones Indexes is a premier global provider of investable indexes, including the Dow Jones Averages, the Dow Jones Global Titans 50, the Dow Jones Asian Titans 50, the Dow Jones Sector Titans, the Dow Jones Country Titans Indexes and is co-owner of the Pan-European Dow Jones STOXX Indexes. Dow Jones Indexes is part of Dow Jones & Company, which publishes the world's most vital business and financial news and information.

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