Purdue University Researchers Conduct Study on Web-Based Customer Service

White Paper Earmarking CrystalVoice Communications' Click-To-Talk as a Compelling Web-based Customer Service Solution Is Now Available


 WHAT:     The increased customer demand for shopping convenience and
           information accessibility has made multi-channel customer
           service -- seamlessly integrating a company's Web site
           with the live-agent telephone center -- an enterprise's
           competitive advantage when it comes to optimizing customer
           service. This is according to a White Paper entitled
           "Click-to-Talk(tm) Web Customer Service: A Business Case,"
           officially released by Dr. Jon Anton of the Purdue
           University Center for Customer-Driven Quality and
           BenchmarkPortal, Inc., a leading source of CRM best
           practices for contact centers.

           The majority of Web-based self-service implementations are
           unable to efficiently deliver a personalized customer
           service experience, or the necessary consultation
           capabilities required to complete complex transactions.
           Additionally, most Web sites do not allow for valuable
           up-selling and cross-selling opportunities for the
           enterprise. Several critical Web-based customer service
           issues are addressed in the White Paper, including:

             -- What would it take to make Web-based self-service more
                effective, and, ultimately, an optimized revenue-
                generating solution for all types of purchase-related

             -- How can the one-dimensional aspect of Web sites be
                transformed into an adaptive, responsive channel to
                facilitate up-selling and cross-selling, and convert
                more browsers into buyers?

 WHO:      As an engaging solution to these issues, the White Paper
           examines in detail the impact that CrystalVoice's Click-to-
           Talk(tm) solution has had within the healthcare industry --
           an industry known for handling some of the most complex
           kinds of customer service issues. A truly unique solution,
           Click-to-Talk(tm) enables a Web user to click an icon on
           a Web page and be securely connected, over the Internet,
           to the call center agent most able to answer their customer
           service questions and/or assist them with the completion
           of an e-commerce transaction.  The solution is developed
           by CrystalVoice Communications, which is the leading
           provider of Voice over the Internet software solutions.
           The CrystalVoice website is www.CrystalVoice.com.

 WHERE:    "Click-to-Talk(tm) Web Customer Service: A Business Case"
           White Paper is available by visiting
           www.BenchmarkPortal.com or www.CrystalVoice.com.

 WHEN:     The White Paper is available now.

 INFO:     For more information on the white paper, or to speak with
           CrystalVoice executives regarding its solution, please
           contact Valerie Christopherson of Bock Communications, Inc.
           at 714.540.1030 ext. 17.


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