Bicyclists Wrestle with Withdrawal After the Tour de France

GOLDEN, Colo., July 28, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- After the excitement, drama, and excesses of the Tour de France are over, how can recreational riders re-adjust to riding styles that build fitness and health? The vast difference between Lance Armstrong's power and intensity and the energy and resources of recreational cyclists can be daunting. Cyclists need to ask themselves some questions to re-define their riding goals and priorities. Should I be drawn toward a competitive mindset or more realistically focus on building long-term fitness and health? How can I discipline myself in a time-pressured lifestyle to ensure the riding results I want to achieve? Do I need new equipment, better energy foods, or more skillful technique to optimize my performance?

Many bicyclists emulate elite riders in their communities. Will these elite styles serve your health and fitness goals? Probably not. According to Portia Masterson, riding to improve your fitness and health requires an accurate understanding of how to ride with less effort, have more fun, and develop a personally satisfying riding style. Using comfort as a guide to building fitness and health will fuel your desire to ride often, improve your wellness, and prevent injury.

Portia was a bicycle retailer in Golden, Colorado for 24 years. She has been a transportational and adventure cyclist for more than 50 years. Her book, Bicycling Bliss: Riding to Improve Your Wellness is based on concepts she developed while helping recreational riders solve their cycling problems in their pursuit of health and fitness excellence.

The primary challenge is to go beyond the preoccupation with equipment to focus on rider performance and lifestyle. Most riders will have more success in achieving a higher level of performance by changing their riding technique, nourishing themselves with wholesome foods, and getting adequate sleep rather than by buying expensive wheels or Tour de France team jerseys.

Although we all respect and admire Lance Armstrong's tremendous achievements, we need to recognize that we are not all world-class professional athletes. Our individual situations and goals should determine our approach to bicycling to give us the most benefit and harmony in our lives.

For your future features guiding your audience to greater health and fitness through cycling, consider using Portia as a resource. She can provide insightful information on:

 -- Using your body in healthful ways that generate more power while
    preventing injury
 -- Establishing routine stretching and strengthening exercises to
    improve stamina and wellness
 -- Selecting energy foods to fuel optimum performance and preparing
    a nutritious diet
 -- Breathing exercises to increase your aerobic capacity
 -- Setting up your bike for efficiency, comfort, and fun

To set up an interview with Portia or find out more about her book, please go to the website and contact her directly at:


              Building integrated wellness through cycling


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