SANDS LLC Offers Alternative to Support Troops without Supporting the War

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., Aug. 24, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- There are many people, some say a vast majority of Americans, who love and support our troops in foreign lands but oppose the war in Iraq. It causes a real challenge to express those feelings and thoughts. So what do you do?

Ed Zagorac and his son, Jacob Zagorac, started a company and created 5 different magnets, to be displayed on cars, mailboxes or any other public place, that say, "We support our troops -- bring them home" or "Stop the war." The magnets are made in the USA. Ed and Jacob Zagorac developed a web site,, that gives people access to magnets that allow them to express their position on the war.

Is it possible to both support the troops and oppose the war? In a recent conversation that Jacob Zagorac had live with Sean Hannity, a national conservative radio and TV personality, Mr. Hannity said, "Yes, you can." He went on to say, "It must be done in a civil, kind way, no name calling, respecting everyone's opinion and simply stating why you are opposed to the war. You also need to physically do things to show support for the troops -- write letters, send care packages, visit families, make donations to veteran's causes."

Right after the war in Iraq started, the yellow ribbons with "Support Our Troops" appeared. No one seems to know who invented the design ... however there was nothing out there to show support for just our troops without having to show support for the war.

The company, SANDS LLC (abbreviation for Support AND Stop) has three basic goals.

First, to provide a means for people to express the feeling "Support our troops -- bring them home" or "Stop the war," in a non-confrontational way.

Second, as a fund raising effort to provide donations to DAV (Disabled American Veterans) and TAPS (Tragedy Assistance for Survivors). will donate $.50 from the sale of each magnet to the two organizations. "There are some real needs to help families be with their loved ones in Walter Reed Army Hospital and other facilities, as well as some need for legal assistance to sort through the bureaucratic process. And, is a total volunteer organization and receives no government support. It provides help to those families that lost a loved one in the war," Ed Zagorac explained.

The third goal is to cover expenses and provide for one, very modest salary.

There are various magnets for sale in stores and on the Internet. is the only company that is devoted to helping people express both support for our troops and a desire to bring them home, as well as raise funds to help wounded troops.


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