The End of the Human Race is Near

New book sheds light on human extinction

PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 19, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- We all know that sometime in the future, life and the world as we know will finally come to an end. There are many factors that can lead to the end of life such as politics, civil unrest, pollution, abusive science, disregard, carelessness and war. The End Of This World: The Beginning of Another, the new book from author Bill Ciampitti, looks at the potential of the end of life and at what people can do to save the world.

The End Of This World is a fictional tale about the arrival of the extinction of mankind. Through its characters and situations, readers will see precisely why people always have a nature of destroying one another and at the same time they will learn what must be done in order to save ourselves from extinction. Because of reasons like war, politics and greed, people are disregarded by the powerful who only seek to enrich and satisfy themselves above all others and this only leads to human rebellion and unrest, which only means more conflict. As vested interests exist, the common people have no real choice but to absorb the difficulties of life and in addition, discrimination on race, culture and background exists. Fundamentally, the book portrays man's abuse and carelessness of the knowledge Adam gained from the Tree of Knowledge, which was passed through the generations.

Intelligently written, The End Of This World is a fascinating book that can open people's minds and arouse their conscience dealing with the doomsday scenario of the extinction of life in planet Earth. While the story and characters are fictional, the potential of such events and people coming true in the future is undeniable and even possible. The End Of This World: The Beginning of Another is a striking book that readers simply cannot afford to miss.

About the Author

Bill Ciampitti was drafted into the military to serve in World War II on February 12, 1943. Upon completion of infantry basic training at Camp Robinson, Arkansas was transferred to the Military Intelligence School at Camp Ritchie, Maryland. Upon completion of his training he was assigned to the Psychological Warfare Unit at SHAEF headquarters under the command of General Eisenhower. During his service was awarded four bronze stars. Discharged at wars end on December 17, 1945, he married his pre-war fiancee, Rita Del Vecchio in August of 1946. The product of their marriage produced three sons, Bill, Bob and Bruce, who increased the family with two daughters-in-law, 4 grandsons and 6 great grandchildren. Has earned his living as a self-employed real estate broker and is semi-retired. Having not developed any hobby over the years, he decided to enter the field of writing as a hobby, this being his first novel.

            The End Of This World  by  Bill Ciampitti
                    The Beginning of Another
             Publication Date: September 15, 2005
         Trade Paperback; $10.00; 88 pages; 1-4134-7948-0
          Cloth Hardback; $16.00; 88 pages; 1-59926-249-5

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