Financial Criminality and Terrorism

OSLO, Norway, Jan. 19, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- With numerous governments, economies and cultures progressing with time, the whole world is now more complicated than ever and there's no stopping it from moving on. As globalization spreads, more and more people find themselves under the influences and control of business tycoons and geniuses, not knowing where their life will be headed. Will the world move to a direction of distributed wealth and fairness, or will it be end up being dictated by the powerful elite? In the complex and compelling new book Voyage For Continuity -- Choosers, author S.T. Evensen immerses the reader deep into a world divided by wealth, politics, terrorism, corporatism and democracy.

The first book of a burning trilogy, Voyage For Continuity -- Choosers, tells the story of Ole Bec, who becomes the victim of a well-planned personal attack by a major financial group which used his altruistic proposals. As a result, Ole suffers greatly and saw his stake crash as the IPO of Bec-Group approaches. But things only get worse years later when they are raided by a leading bank and its allies, which are bent on breaking up their company. A lot is at stake with Bec-Group and early enough Ole Bec, who favors reforms that will aid the ATOMIST (individual households, owners, scientists, investor), knows the potential of the company and realizes the heavy responsibility as it has the support of his most valuable partners. It turns out that the company has a mole in it, placed by the Vultures group, whose purpose is to split up the Bec-Group. Will Ole Bec be able to contribute to clean up, reform, protect and rebuild the Bec-Group successfully, or will he fail and be destroyed by his unrelenting foes?

Intriguing, intelligent and based on real-life corporate events, Voyage For Continuity -- Choosers is an amazing book that realistically explores the "wheeling and dealing" of self-interested corporate leadership which is willing to risk wasting other people's money just to achieve their selfish objectives, and at the same time it explores the huge conflict of politics and wealth behind corporate scandals. As author S.T. Evensen crafted his book to inspire Atomists and influential Altruists to organize an effective resistance against a new feudalism of abusive corporate leaderships, a wide range of readers are bound to be attracted, especially people who are concerned about Ethics & Enterprise. The world of capitalism is more dangerous than most people really think and the fiery content of Voyage For Continuity -- Choosers easily makes it a true eye- and mind-opener. This book is a must-have at the libraries and bookstores today.

About the Author

S.T.Evensen participates in international dialogue on democracy and asserts that there is a strong relationship between Ethics & Enterprise and Pluralism & Predictability. In the trilogy: "Voyage for Continuity -- The Altruistic Gene," he proposes a "wedge" which separates the roles of markets; namely, a Single-Role INVEST-BANC and an adjacent Bancier.Net. The Network will have franchisees in Time Zones/Regions, and offers an Alternative to the Multi-Role Central Players with Cross-Selling Strategies. Until recently, this initiative met resistance also from Regulators favouring the Glamour of Multi-Role Central Players.

A follow-up of the trilogy will soon appear. Its title is "Director From the Outside -- Good Governance Inspired by Democratic Values." It is a book on pluralistic democracy which debates how a company, an international organization or a nation can improve its own governance to avoid financial criminality.

            Voyage For Continuity -- Choosers by S.T. Evensen
             The Altruistic Gene Inspires Democratic
                   Values Against Grips of Power
            Trade Paperback; $21.99; 262 pages; 1-4134-6757-1;
             Cloth Hardback; $31.99; 262 pages; 1-4134-6758-X

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