Cypress Toddler's Death Puts Emphasis on Need to Address Child Abuse in Orange County

ORANGE, Calif., April 3, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, and with the current news coverage of the tragic death of the Balderas baby in Cypress, California, the nation is faced squarely with the gut-wrenching question "why do these crimes occur and what can we do to help stop such horrendous child abuse situations?"

The Child Abuse Prevention Center of Orange County faces this issue every day, touching the lives of 16,000 children and their parents each year. The Prevention Center deals with the harsh reality of child abuse by providing intensive in-home parenting education for struggling parents and caregivers.

Kathy McCarrell, MSW, executive director of the Child Abuse Prevention Center for 12 years, suggests a number of means for anyone who is concerned about a child or feels they need help with their own parenting issues.

"At least three children a day in the United States die at the hands of their parent or caretakers, and 85 percent of these children are between the ages of 0-5. This is not just a problem in Orange County, this is a national tragedy," says McCarrell. "People willing to take action are a critical element in the prevention of child abuse in our country. This is what Child Abuse Prevention Month is all about," continued McCarrell. "Many of these children could be saved if neighbors or family members would simply notify authorities when abuse is suspected. People should not be afraid to intervene, especially when all you have to do is make a call to a child abuse hotline in your area, even anonymously."

 Red flags of child abuse include:
 -- Non-accidental bruising on head, neck or back of the body
 -- Poor supervision of young children
 -- Burns and/or bite marks
 -- Withdrawn behavior

If you are a parent or guardian who is having difficulty, calling a child abuse hotline in your area is a simple and anonymous way of getting the help you need before hurting a child. There are also many child abuse prevention resources available online.

For more information about what you can do to prevent child abuse, please visit the Child Abuse Prevention Center's website at or call (714) 543-4333.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Child Abuse Prevention Center Executive Director Kathy McCarrell, MSW is immediately available for media interviews. Please contact Lynn Hackman at (310) 968-4678 or to arrange.


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