Investment AB Öresund is issuing options relating to a maximum of 200,000 shares in Bilia AB. These options will have a term of three years and a redemption price of SEK 120 per share. The price of each option is SEK 5.

The managing director of Bilia AB is entitled to acquire options relating to 30,000 shares, the other members of group management 10,000 - 15,000 shares and other leading executives 5,000 - 7,000 shares. In addition, certain key employees will be entitled to acquire options relating to 1,000 - 3,000 shares.


This option programme will not result in any dilution for Bilia’s shareholders.


Göteborg, 18 May 2006


Bilia AB (publ)




Bilia_May 18 2006_Eng.pdf