Simply Budgets Launches U.S. Version

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif., July 18, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- According to Australian celebrity budgeting guru David Wright, it's not only lower income earners who are mismanaging their money, but also the higher income earners who are at risk of falling into the debt trap. Wright, creator of the No. 1 Australian budgeting software "Simply Budgets," is currently in the United States to launch the American version of his innovative home budgeting software system.

Commenting, Wright said: "I realized that household debt is a global issue and that the majority of Americans are experiencing the same kind of financial difficulties as Australians, motivating me to develop the `Simply Budgets' system for the USA market." Citing lack of financial education and a limited understanding of how to plan a basic household budget as the main cause, Wright added, "Everyday we all make financial decisions to buy, or not to buy, accepting that it will be some time in the future before we discover if it was a good decision or not. My system totally removes this kind of guesswork from the financial decision-making process by turning the traditional budgeting systems upside down, starting from a totally different perspective."

Wright, a former schoolteacher, found himself struggling to meet day-to-day bills despite earning a reasonable income and spending endless nights trying to make the family budget work. It was during one of these 'late night' budgeting sessions that Wright stumbled onto a totally new and different way of generating his family budget.

Immediately seeing the potential to use this new budgeting method to help others, he began going into people's homes to help them achieve the positive results he was getting. Gradually, through applying his system to other people's needs Wright refined and developed the system into what it is today" the number one, best-selling budgeting software in Australia. Wright now focuses his time on educating and empowering audiences and clients with his hard-earned knowledge and a software-based system that has seen thousands of Australian's successfully turn their finances around.

David Wright will be in the USA until July 26, 2006 and is available for interview.

The Simply Budgets company logo is available at


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